Tutorial Iteration 1 - SnowBubbleJS/AngularArrows-Angular GitHub Wiki
- How do I improve the tutorial application so that it applies to the user?
Initialize Angular
Bullet 1
Set the tone of the tutorial and we inform the user that we are using the John Papa style guide.
“Initialize” choice of words for “anchor”
Bullet 2
can be broken into two parts
explain about ng-model, why we use it before explaining what a directive is
change the initial code of the editors to include input and form
explain data-binding before
Referencing Angular Data
Angular reference with a particular syntax
Inform the user what they will be building so that they can track and follow what they are coding for their first Angular app
Not using AJAX call because that contributes to back-end development and data retrieval
Creating Controllers
does not mention how to write the javascript for a controller and add how the syntax is writing to
“scope is an object that reference to the application model it is an execution context for expressions”
used to manage and manipulate data
reference check “small” and “lightweight”
Working with Services
Bullet 1
$scope is a lot like ‘this’
define factory and $scope better for the user
Bullet 2
can break down the actions into multiple parts
Persistent Data Utilizing Factories
Bullet 1
does not describe that a FACTORY is a type of SERVICE
Bullet 2
likely going to remove the HTTP request
More work with Services, AJAX…
Bullet 1
remove Promise teaching
Bullet 2
remove promise teaching
Application Ideas