Module 1: ICP #1 - SnehaMishra28/BigData_Programming_Summer2018 GitHub Wiki

This is the landing page for my ICP#1.

Name: Sneha Mishra
Class ID: 11
Email: [email protected]
Professor: Yugyung Lee

Technical Partner:
Name: Aditya Soman
Class ID: 19
Email: [email protected]


Understanding Cassandra and its usage.


  1. No SQL Systems.
  2. Commands for Cassandra (cql).
  3. Creating and updating database (keyspace as well as tables).
  4. Print out the results of different queries on the database.


Step 1: Install the necessary softwares

By default the Cassandra data files are stored at: /usr/local/var/lib/cassandra/
Cassandra can also be started manually in terminal by running: /usr/local/opt/cassandra/bin/cassandra
The data by default is stored at: /usr/local/var/lib/cassandra

Install Python

Install Cassandra

Get Cassandra software info

Start the Cassandra query language (cqlsh)

Step 2: Using/ Creating a KEYSPACE

Using the created KEYSPACE

Create a TABLE in the same selected KEYSPACE

Step 3: Perform different queries on the created TABLE with the output

1. List the empno, ename, jobtitle and hiredate of employee from the employee table.

2.List the name,salary of the employees who are clerks.

3.List the name,job,salary of every employee joined on ‘december 17,1980’.

4.List name and annual salary of all the employees.

5.List the department name & deptno for departments having deptno.>=20

6.Display employees’ names, salary and manager values of those employees whose salary is 500 from EMP table using SELECT statement.

7.Write a query that displays enames with first letter capitalized and all other letters in lowercase and length of enames whose enames start with J, A or N.


Output 1: Update TABLE

Output 2: Insert data in the TABLE

Output 3: Alter TABLE

