Testing - Sneezembop/webdev-benjamin-miles GitHub Wiki

In the Testing page, create detailed steps to test your application. The tests should validate that you have met the functional requirements of your project. Write DETAILED steps that test the following

A user related to another user, e.g., a fan follows their favorite cricket player, a manager gives an employee a raise, an airbnb guest leaves a message for their host, etc.

  • Log in as any user
  • Navigate to the search page
  • Search for any other user by their exact username
  • Click the plus button on their listing.

A user searches for list of domain objects that match a criteria, e.g., search for movies with a title, search for events around boston, search for restaurants near me, etc.

  • Log in as any user
  • Navigate to the search page
  • Search for any domain object by name (try Saturn)

A user views details of a particular domain object listed in the search results, e.g., clicking on a particular movie displays more details of the movie, clicking on a particular restaurant displays more details for that restaurant, etc.

  • Log in as any user
  • Navigate to the search page
  • Search for any domain object by name
  • Click the hyperlink on it's listing

A user views all domain objects related to the user, e.g., a critic sees all their movie reviews listed in their profile page, a buyer sees all orders and/or items listed in their profile page, etc.

  • Log in as any user
  • Navigate to the search page
  • Search for any user by their exact username
  • Click "Say Hi!" on their listing
  • View their posts and albums

A user views all other users related to the user, e.g., a fan sees all their favorite football (soccer) players in their profile page, a social network user sees all other users they are following and sees users that are following them, etc.

  • Log in as any user
  • Navigate to the search page
  • Search for any user by their exact username
  • Click "Say Hi!" on their listing
  • View their list of follows

A user related to a domain object, e.g., a user bookmarks their favorite book, a user creates a playlist, a buyer buys a product

  • Log in as any user
  • Navigate to the search page
  • Search for any user by their exact username
  • Click "Say Hi!" on their listing
  • View their list of posts

A domain object related to another domain object, e.g., add a song to a playlist, an order that contains several products, a recipe that contains several ingredients, etc.


An admin creates a user

  • Log in as an admin
  • From the profile page select the '+' button
  • Select User at the top and fill in the details

An admin lists all users


An admin edits/updates a particular user

  • Log in as an admin
  • Search for any user and navigate to their profile page
  • From the profile page select the 'edit' button
  • Edit the details

An admin removes a user

  • Log in as an admin
  • Search for any user and navigate to their profile page
  • From the profile page select the 'edit' button
  • Select Delete at the bottom