User Guide - Smiithyy/DRQProject GitHub Wiki

User Guide for Student Helper Project

Common throughout all pages

Each page has a navigation bar at the top. The navbar is the menu used to navigate the app. The GMIT logo is clickable. Clicking it opens a new tab and takes you to the official GMIT website. This logo and link could be swapped out for any college or school website if this app was to be used by an institution other than GMIT. Next on the navbar is "Student Helper" This acts as a "home" button and will take the user back to the home page with a welcome message. Next is "Todo List" this takes the user to a page where their Todo list is displayed. Lastly id "Create Todo" if clicked it takes the user to a page where they can fill in a form to create a new todo list entry.

Home Page

On opening the App the user is presented with a home page. This page consists of a small welcome message along with a "Get Started" button. The "Get Started" button takes the user to the "Create Todo" page where they can start to create their todo list entries.

Todo List Page

Clicking "Todo List" on the navbar takes you to this page. This page contains the users todo list entries displayed in a clean and neat table format. At the end of each entry there are 2 buttons; "Edite" and "Delete". Clicking on the Edit button takes you to a page where you can edit your todo (Will address this page later in this guide). The Delete button is red to indicate the user should have a second thought before clicking it. If clicked the specific todo list entry will be deleted and the list will be updated and reloaded.

Create Todo Page

Clicking on "Create Todo" on the navbar takes you to this page. This page contains a simple form for the user to fill out. First entry is a select entry where the user can choose the type of work they need to add to the todo list; "Exam" or "Assignment". Second entry is a text box where the user can describe the todo item e.g. "DRQ Project". The third entry is a date entry, the user has the choice to either enter the date in the format of dd/mm/yyyy or by clicking on the calendar they can click the day the todo item is due. Finally the user is presented with a select field with 3 options to indicate how urgent the todo item is; "Low" "Medium" "High". Once the form has been filled out the user has a "Create Todo" button which upon clicking will prompt an alert to tell the user the Todo entry has been submitted and can be viewed on the todo list page.

Edit Todo Page

Clicking the "Edit" button on the todo list page will take you to the edit page. This page looks the exact same as the create page and works in the same fasion. Once the form has been filled out the same way as creating a todo, the user can click "Update Todo". This button will prompt an alert telling the user that their todo list entry has been updated. Disclaimer Unfortunately I was unable to get the items to update but my attempt is there to be viewed