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Welcome to the Smart Asphalt Wiki Page!

Project Overview

Smart Asphalt is part of an Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Project under Professor Marco Levorato and guidance from our graduate student advisor Davide Callegaro of the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab at the Univeristy of California Irvine. It is an undergraduate led project that was part of the Senior Design/Capstone project course. It's conception was to design a vehicle platoon testbed to study vehicle platoon algorithms utilizing Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication.

Though not all goals were achieved, the team was able to develop 3 vehicle testbeds with their own set of vehicles that are able to communicate and operate autonomously. More work can be done to achieve a better and refined system for future students.

Wiki Table of Contents

Software Developer Resources

Hardware Developer Resources


Team Members

  • Faculty Advisor Professor Marco Levorato
  • Graduate Student Advisor Davide Callegaro
  • Undergraduate Student Adrian Osorio (CSE)
  • Undergraduate Student Andrew Kettle (CPE)
  • Undergraduate Student Cayman Barber (EE)