cocos.json - SmallAiTT/cocos-utils GitHub Wiki

This file is about config of cocos command. If there is something wrong while using cocos command, check this file first.

  • engineDir : the path of cocos2d-html5 modules, default to be ../node_modules/.

This is very important, for it tells us where the engine is.

"engineDir" : "../node_modules/"
  • dependencies : This is an array to tell us which modules of engine are required.
"dependencies" : [
  • genRes : To generate config of path of resources.
    "output" : "cfg/res.js",
    "fileTypes" : [
        "png", "jpg", "bmp", "jpeg", "gif", "mp3", "ogg", "wav", "mp4", "plist",
        "xml", "fnt", "tmx", "tsx", "ccbi", "font", "txt", "vsh", "fsh", "json"
    "dirCfgs" : [{"dir" : "res/Normal", "delPre" : "res/Normal"}]

dirCfgs is a config to tell the utils which dir to search. The item could be an object like {"dir" : "res/Normal"} or {"dir" : "res/Normal", "delPre" : "res/Normal"}, or a string like "res/Normal" or "res/Normal->res/Normal".

e.g. there are resources in res folder:

    - Normal
    - HD
    - Music

When the dirCfgs is [{"dir" : "res/Normal"}, {"dir" : "res/Music"}] or ["res/Normal", "res/Music"], then the res.js will be

var res = {
    a_png : "res/Normal/a.png",
    b_png : "res/Normal/b.png",
    bg_mp3 : "res/Music/bg.mp3"

When the dirCfgs is [{"dir" : "res/Normal", "delPre" : "res/Normal"}, {"dir" : "res/Music", "delPre" : "res/Music"}] or ["res/Normal->res/Normal", "res/Music->res/Music"], then the res.js will be

var res = {
    a_png : "a.png",
    b_png : "b.png",
    bg_mp3 : "bg.mp3"

You can see that, paths of resources of res/HD are not be generated, because the path of res/HD is not configured in dirCfgs.

It is an easy way to handle with multiple resolution adaptation. What you need to do is to keep the structure the same between res/Normal and res/HD, then switch the searchPath of resources in main.js.

By default it is a whole path relative to the project path. When adding a delPre, then the prefix of the path will be deleted.

  • genJsRes : To generate config of path of js sources.
    "output" : "cfg/jsRes.js",
    "fileTypes" : ["js"],
    "dirCfgs" : ["src", "test"]//Same as genRes

genJsRes is similar to genRes.

  • publish : Publish project to single file mode.
    "output" : "projects/proj.html5/mini.js",
    "compilationLevel" : "advanced",
    "warning" : "quiet",
    "useSourceMap" : true,  //set true to use sourceMap
    "sourceMapOutputFile" : "sourcemap", //works while useSourceMap is true
    "sourceMapFormat" : "V3",   //works while useSourceMap is true
    "debug" : false,
    "delLog" : false    //set true to delete codes of log