Unit Test - SmallAiTT/cocos-utils GitHub Wiki

By default, we have provided some test functions for you. In the best situation, you just need to do some config in resCfg.js, then you can run test case for your code, without writing any test code. It sounds great, doesn't it?

  • Test sprite

If you have a Sprite class in your MySprite.js, and it may be this:

var MySprite = cc.Sprite.extend({
    //TODO write code for the sprite
MySprite.create = function(args){
    var sprite = new MySprite();
    return sprite;

Then you configure it in resCfg.js:

resCfg[jsRes.MySprite_js] = {
    res : [...],//if the sprite requires resources, optional.
    ref : [...],//if the sprite references others, optional.
    sprite : "MySprite",//the class name of MySprite, required when you want to test MySprite
    args : {...}//the args you want to pass into MySprite.create, optional.

Set config.test = js.mymodule.MySprite_js, visit index.html, then test case of MySprite would be run.

Make sure that there is a function called create of MySprite.

args is good for your project. Sometimes MySprite requires data from others, you just need to use args to pass it into MySprite, without changing the code of MySprite when testing.

By this way, you can test your code easily.

  • Test layer

As same as above, by using layer instead of sprite in resCfg.

  • Test scene

As same as above, by using scene instead of sprite in resCfg.

  • Details about using default test function have been introduced in the chapter resCfg.
Custom Test Case

You can define your own test function for your project. It is simply easy that, you just need to create a function, and register it. Simply like this:

function myTest(cfgName, cfg){
    //TODO write code for your own test function
cc.unitMap4Cust.myTest = myTest;

The engine will pass 2 arguments to your test function. The first one cfgName is the argument you pass into cc.test, and the second one is the value configured in resCfg of cfgName.

Configure in resCfg:

resCfg[jsRes.MySprite_js] = {
    res : [...],
    ref : [...],
    myTest : "MySprite",
    args : {...}

Then MySprite will be run by the test function of myTest.


When you need to include scripts and resources for all of your test code, you can configure TEST_BASE in resCfg:

resCfg[TEST_BASE] = {
    res : [res.a_png...],//resources for test by default
    ref : [jsRes.TestBase_js]//scripts for test by default

Then you do not need to configure res.a_png to the res or jsRes.TestBase_js to the ref of the scripts you want to test.

Pay attention to this, TEST_BASE will not be included while publishing.