v1.x - Slugger/embysweeper GitHub Wiki

Build 1.0.7

Usage: embysweeper [-h] [--https] [--ignore-fav-series] [--version]
                   [-c=<action>] [-l=<logLevel>]
                   [--min-age-days=<minAgeDays>] [-o=<embyPort>] -p=<password>
                   [-s=<embyHost>] -u=<user> [-b=<excludedLibraries>]...
                   -e=<cleanupUsers> [-e=<cleanupUsers>]...
  -b, --excluded-library=<excludedLibraries>
                            library name to never delete from; multiple allowed
  -c, --action=<action>     action to perform (PRINT, DELETE) [print]
  -e, --cleanup-user=<cleanupUsers>
                            user name to cleanup; multiple allowed
                            filter to apply to discovered items; multiple
                              allowed; these are filters to apply to the /User/
                              {id}/Items api call
  -h, --help                display help and exit
      --https               connect to Emby via https
      --ignore-fav-series   always ignore episodes if the series is a favorite
  -l, --log-level=<logLevel>
                            log level (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL)
                            log level for third party libs (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO,
                              WARN, ERROR, FATAL) [null]
                            minimum days since an item was watched before it
                              can be deleted [7]
  -o, --port=<embyPort>     Emby server port [8096]
  -p, --password=<password> Emby password
  -s, --server=<embyHost>   Emby hostname [localhost]
  -u, --user=<user>         Emby user; must have admin permission to do deletes
      --version             print version info and exit
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