Recipe Serializers - SlimeKnights/Mantle GitHub Wiki

This page documents all recipe serializes added by Mantle. These can be used in datapacks in the place of any vanilla recipe serializers. See the Minecraft Wiki for more information on datapack recipes.

Shaped Fallback

Extension of crafting_shaped which causes a recipe to not match if any of the listed alternatives matches. Intended for use with fallback recipes, for example a recipe for mismatching/other mod's planks as a fallback for the recipes of each of the 8 vanilla plank types.


  • alternatives (array): Array of ResourceLocation recipe IDs. This recipe will fail to match if any of the alternatives matches.
  • All keys from crafting_shaped

Shaped Retextured

Recipe to craft a retexturable item, copying the variant texture to the block.


  • texture (Ingredient): Texture ingredient
  • match_all (boolean): If false, the first input matching texture will be chosen for the result texture. If true, and all inputs that match texture are the same item, that item is used for the texture. If any mismatch, the block will be given no texture.
  • All keys from crafting_shaped