Technical Details - SlimeDog/pHD GitHub Wiki

pHD ▪ Manage holograms with intelligence


One of the supported hologram providers must be enabled:

ProtocolLib to manage hologram visibility

Soft dependencies

— If Citizens is enabled, pHD ensures that player NPCs do not trigger the hologram visibility logic.
— If LuckPerms is enabled, pHD uses LuckPerms data to populate tab-completion for the permission option.
— If Multiverse-Core or MultiWorld is enabled, pHD loads after, and processes relevant world manager events, to ensure that all holograms in all worlds are registered.

Files in plugins/pHD/

Filename Content
config.yml Fully-commented configuration settings
database.db SQLITE database (storage-type:SQLITE ; see schema below)
database.yml YAML database (storage-type:YAML)
messages.yml Localizable in-game and console messages

SQLITE schema

CREATE TABLE phd_hologram (
        hologram_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        hologram_type VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
        activation_distance REAL DEFAULT -1.0,
        display_seconds INTEGER DEFAULT -1,
        clock_time VARCHAR(8),
        max_views INTEGER,
        permission VARCHAR(255),
        flash_on REAL DEFAULT -1.0,
        flash_off REAL DEFAULT -1.0,
        PRIMARY KEY (hologram_name, hologram_type)

CREATE INDEX phd_hologram_hindex ON phd_hologram ( hologram_name, hologram_type );

CREATE TABLE phd_player (
        player_UUID VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
        hologram_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        hologram_type VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
        views INTEGER,
        PRIMARY KEY (player_UUID, hologram_name, hologram_type)

CREATE INDEX phd_player_pindex ON phd_player ( player_UUID );
CREATE INDEX phd_player_hindex ON phd_player ( hologram_name, hologram_type );
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️