How It Works - SlimeDog/pHD GitHub Wiki

pHD ▪ Manage holograms with intelligence

Vanilla hologram managers display holograms whenever a player is within the standard Minecraft view distance. pHD adds capabilities to manage individual hologram visibility. pHD does not modify the content of the holograms themselves.

Display types

pHD supports four hologram types, with different capabilities and uses.

Display is always subject to the optional restrictions, listed below. For example: a hologram cannot be viewed if the player does not have the required permission.

type parameter format description
ALWAYS View the hologram always, restricted by other options
IRLTIME time hh:mm View the hologram at the specified IRL time, restricted by other options
MCTIME time hh:mm View the hologram at the specified MC time, restricted by other options
NTIMES times integer View the hologram a limited number of times, restricted by other options

Display options

🚩 Some pHD capabilities are supported natively by DecentHolograms (DH), as shown in the following table.
🚩 Native capabilities should be used where available.

option format description native support
distance number View the hologram only within the specified distance, in blocks DH
permission string View the hologram only with the specified permission DH
seconds integer View the hologram for a specified duration, in seconds
Toggle the hologram on/off at the specified period, in seconds
Minimum 1.0; equivalent to flashOn=flashOff
Toggle the hologram on for a specified duration, in seconds
Minimum 1.0; must be combined with flashOff
Toggle the hologram off for a specified duration, in seconds
Minimum 1.0; must be combined with flashOn

In most cases, the default values for distance and duration are used if specific values are not set. See Configuration. Type ALWAYS is a special case -- see the table below.


phd manage hologram_A ALWAYS distance 5.5

Display hologram_A whenever the player moves within 5.5 blocks of it. Use case: Create a secret hologram that is viewable only when very near to it. This is similar to a standard hologram, but with the view distance reduced to 5.5 blocks.

phd manage hologram_B NTIMES 3 distance 20

Display hologram_B whenever the player moves within 20 blocks of it, but only 3 times. After that, the player cannot see it. Use case: Create an instructional hologram at a spawn point, that the player sees the first 3 times it is encountered, and never again. Note that the player count can be reset by command. Restricting the acquisition distance helps ensure that the player actually sees the hologram.

phd manage hologram_C ALWAYS permission multiverse.portal.access.lobby_world

Display hologram_C whenever the player moves within the default view distance, if the player has the required permission. Use case: Create a portal hologram that is visible only if the player has the associated permission to use the portal.

Type ALWAYS options combinations

ALWAYS is a special case, depending on whether distance and duration options are specified or unspecified. The following table explains the effect of the various combinations on hologram activation and deactivation. In all cases, if a permission is specified, the player must have the required permission.

distance seconds description
specified specified Activates for the specified duration when the player moves within the specified distance
Deactivates after the specified duration, regardless of player distance
specified unspecified Activates when the player moves within the specified distance
Deactivates when the player moves outside the specified distance
unspecified specified Activates for the specified duration, when the player moves within the default distance
Deactivates after the specified duration, regardless of player distance
unspecified unspecified Activates when the player joins the world, even if outside MC view distance
Deactivates when the player leaves the world or disconnects from the server
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️