Configuration - SlimeDog/pHD GitHub Wiki

pHD ▪ Manage holograms with intelligence

The current default configuration file may be found on GitHub. The configuration options may be changed to reflect your preferences'

Configuration parameters

parameter                                  default description
defaults.activation-distance 20 The distance at which a hologram may be seen, in blocks. 15 The time a hologram will be displayed, in seconds.
save-frequency 60 For NTIMES holograms, how frequently player view data are saved to the database, in seconds.

🚩 The data should not be saved too frequently, to minimize performance impact. Values below 20 will generate a WARN message in the server log.

storage-type SQLITE Data storage may be either SQLITE or YAML. SQLITE will provide better performance on larger installations.
check-for-updates true If you do not want available updates announced in the console log, you may disable it.
enable-metrics true By default, the plugins collects and transmits anonymous statistics to Data collection may be disabled here, or generally in the bStats/config.yml.
debug false This will print a large amount of debugging information to the console/log. Recommendation: Leave this false unless specifically requested by the pHD support team.

Recommendation: Save a backup of the file before you change it.

How to

  • Edit plugins/pHD/config.yml to suit your preferences.
  • Reload pHD or restart the server.

The configuration file must contain valid YAML.

🚩 YAML errors in the configuration will cause pHD to be disabled. Check the log, correct the errors and restart the server.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️