Support - SlimeDog/NetworkInterceptor GitHub Wiki

NetworkInterceptor ▪ Monitor and block outgoing network connections

Questions, Bugs, Feature Requests

We appreciate any kind of feedback and we offer fast support. Since you're already on GitHub, make it easy: if your question or issue is not addressed here on The Wiki, open an issue and follow the templates. We will address it quickly, and GitHub provides clear, threaded issue tracking.

🚩 Only the latest certified release for each platform is supported. Please update to the latest certified NetworkInterceptor release and platform release, before proceeding.

Help understanding features, installation, and configuration

📖 The Wiki

Please make use of the resources available here on The Wiki. The extensive documentation covers everything related to understanding and using NetworkInterceptor. New questions are added to the FAQ when appropriate, or incorporated directly into the existing documentation.

Please do not be offended if we respond to a question by gently guiding you to the answer here.

Please read through the Installation and Configuration guides, the FAQs, and any other sections which are relevant to your question before seeking support elsewhere.

📥 GitHub: The Best Place for Bug Reports and Feature Requests

If your issue is not addressed on the wiki, or you want to make a feature request, please open an issue on GitHub and follow the templates.

If you do not have a GitHub account, we strongly urge you to create one. It is free and easy, and makes tracking issues so much easier.

The conversation will go much faster in the original post includes

  • the Spigot version
  • the NetworkInterceptor version
  • any changes to the configuration (different from the defaults)
  • any NetworkInterceptor-related messages from the console/log or in-game, especially ERROR or WARN messages

💬 Discussion Forum

If your issue is not addressed on the wiki, and you do not have a GitHub account, please post a message on the SpigotMC NetworkInterceptor Discussion forum. We monitor the forum actively. We may move the information to a GitHub issue for tracking.

Please avoid posting full console logs in the Discussion forum. Use pastebin or a similar service.

📣 A word or two about Reviews

We love reviews. But please ... reviews are not the place to post questions or bug reports.

Issues posted in reviews will be ignored. We hope they will be replaced with more positive reviews when the issues are resolved.