Sisterhood of Dibella: Walkthrough - SkyrimLL/SkLLmods GitHub Wiki

Note: (M/F) indicates steps available when player is using a Male character (M) or Female character (F).


  • (F) Talk to a Traveling Sister to receive a random quest start to go and meet Senna at the Temple in Markarth
  • (M/F) Talk to anyone with the topic 'What do you think of the Temple of Dibella' to get some hints about what is happening to the Temple

Helping the Temple

  • Once in the Temple, Senna will give you the usual line about not disturbing the Sisters
  • (F) Asking Senna about joining the temple gets her to give you a task to complete until the Sisters come out of seclusion. She gives you a wreath and a satchel and tells you to collect donations for the temple. Wearing the wreath while being naked will get NPCs to give you more, but at the cost of a higher chance of sex with them.
  • (M) Males are excluded from Temple activity at this point

Heart of Dibella

  • (F) After talking to 10 NPCs and receiving their donations, ask Senna if there is anything else you can do for her. She will give you a key to the Inner Sanctum and tell you to talk to the Sisters. This will allow you to start the Heart of Dibella (vanilla) quest.

  • (M) You will have to find your own way into the Inner Sanctum. There is a key hidden somewhere around the Temple. You can lockpick the door or you can try talking to Degaine (beggar around the Market)

  • (M/F) Rescue the new Sybil and bring her back to the Temple safely. Once you have returned and talked to Mother Hamal about the Sybil, she will tell you to drink from the altar in the main Temple. Drink and receive the Agent of Dibella perk.

  • (F) Ask Senna if there is anything else you can do. She will ask you to find two missing traveling sisters. Talk to NPCs in and around the Temple for clues (even outside Markarth). The sisters were sent by Mother Hamal to two Forsworn forts on the road between Markarth and Rorikstead. Read letters on the corpses of the sisters when you find them. When you return to Senna with the news, she will officially make you a Traveling sister.

A Sybil's journey

  • (M/F) At each stage of the Sibyl's development, talk to the sisters and Mother Hamal about Fjotra, the previous Sybil and the underground baths. Their answers will give you hints about the backstory of the Temple's corruption.
  • (M/F) You can help out the Sybil's with her lessons. Ask her about how you can help and she will engage in one of her 'homework'. At random, her orgasms will let Dibella herself speak through her.
  • (M/F) Collect Marks of Dibella by having sex with anyone from the Temple faction (including NPCs outside of the temple, like Haelga in Riften). Marks appear at random after sex, or as loot from enemies of Dibella (forsworns and Hagravens). Redeem Marks to the Sybil and get a chance to earn a Perk point as a gift from Dibella.

Gift of Charity

  • (M/F) After saving the Sybil, make sure you drink from the altar to receive the Agent of Dibella perk. Talk to the Sybil and offer to help with her education (or wait until she receives two lessons from Hamal).

  • (M/F) After a few lessons with the Fjotra, ask Senna how the Sybil is doing. She will tell you she is concerned and will ask you to help with her education. First, you will have to teach her about selflessness. Earn a Gift of Charity (by giving gold to a beggar) and talk to the Sybil while you are under the effect of the blessing.

Artistic education

  • (M/F) Talk to Senna about the Sybil's progress. She will send you to the Bards College to learn about musical instruments so you can teach the Sybil in return.
  • (M/F) Join the Bards College by restoring the festival of King's Olaf and talk to Pantea about learning a special technique about the flute. She will ask you to help retrieve three legendary instruments for the College first. Complete the three vanilla quests about the Bards College and talk to Pantea again for her technique.
  • (M/F) Return to the Temple and share your newfound knowledge with the Sybil.

Book of Love

  • (M/F) Talk to Senna about the Sybil's progress. She will send you to Riften to retrieve a book left at the Temple of Mara by the previous Mother of the temple of Dibella for safekeeping.
  • (M/F) In Riften, talk to Dinya Balu. She will only give you the book once you understand the many kinds of Love and the relationship between Mara and Dibella. Help her with the three vanilla quests about the Temple of Mara.
  • (M/F) Once you have the book, read it... and return to Markarth to educate the Sybil about Love.


  • (M/F) Talk to Senna about the Sybil.. she is deeply concerned that the Sybil is hopelessly corrupted by Mother Hamal. She will tell you to investigate the underground baths, where she saw Hamal perform rituals in front of the statues.
  • (M/F) In the baths, you should find a locked box and a key. Inside the box is a letter from Haelga to Mother Hamal revealing her true colors.
  • (M/F) Talk to Senna after finding the letter and confront Hamal with the letter.
  • (M/F) Hamal will tell you all is lost and that the Temple is corrupted. Talking to Senna will confirm that. Your only hope is to travel back to Riften and confront Haelga.

Haelga's game

  • (M/F) Once in Riften, Haelga will deny everything. Your only chance is to find a way to pressure her.
  • (M/F) Talk to her niece, Svana. She will complain about her working conditions and will offer a way to blackmail Haelga by collecting three Marks of Dibella from her aunt's lovers (vanilla quest).
  • (M/F) Once you confronted Haelga with the marks, talk to Svana to complete the vanilla quest. Then talk to Haelga again to pressure her.... except she will deny everything, even under pressure.
  • (M/F) Talk to Svana again for the big reveal. You are left with two choices - leaving the temple of Dibella corrupted or halting the corruption.
  • (M/F) Go back to the temple in Markarth to see the results of your choice. If you chose corruption, check out the underground baths for a surprise. If you stopped the corruption, the sister's outfits will reflect the change.

[I need to clean up the walkthrough after this point. Here a development notes and quest stages for now.]


  • (M/F) 5- Talk to Svana again when you are ready.
  • (M/F) 10- Talk to Haelga and corrupt her
  • (M/F) 19- Haelga is now in the service of Sanguine
  • (M/F) 20- Go to Dawnstar and seduce sister Moira
  • (M/F) 21- Bring some Honningbrew Mead to keep Sister Moira warm
  • (M/F) 29- Sister Moira is now Sanguine's wench
  • (M/F) 30- Go to Solitude and seduce sister Ophelia
  • (M/F) 31- Talk to Rorlund about his wife
  • (M/F) 32- Show Rorlund your devotion to Sanguine
  • (M/F) 33- Convince Silana Petrea to become a novice of Dibella
  • (M/F) 34- Convince Sister Ophelia to help with Rorlund
  • (M/F) 35- Convince Freir to accept ancient Dibellan rites
  • (M/F) 36- Talk to Rorlund again
  • (M/F) 39- Sister Ophelia is now Sanguine's holy whore.
  • (M/F) 40- Go to the shrine near Old Hroldan and seduce sister Marianne
  • (M/F) 41- Convince Sister Marianne to strip
  • (M/F) 42- Convince Sister Marianne to get bound to the pole
  • (M/F) 43- Sister Marianne is now Sanguine's roadside harlot
  • (M/F) 50- Once the shrines are corrupted, go to Markarth and talk to Mother Hamal to complete Fjotra's corruption
  • (M/F) 51- Join Mother Hamal and the Sybil on the first floor of the Temple.
  • (M/F) 59- The Sybil of Dibella is now Sanguine's Concubine


  • (M/F) 5- Talk to Haelga again when you are ready.
  • (M/F) 10- Find Haelga's Traveling sister hood
  • (M/F) 12- Track down Svana in the Ratways
  • (M/F) 14- Bring the hood back to Haelga
  • (M/F) 20- Find 10 Daggerfall clovers and bread a wreath for Sister Senna
  • (M/F) 30- Talk to Fjotra
  • (M/F) 40- Find a token from Fjotra's past in her childhood home and bring it back to her.
  • (M/F) 49- Return to Fjotra
  • (M/F) 50- Find a token from Sister Orla's past in Jorrvaskr and bring it back to her
  • (M/F) 55- Return to Orla
  • (M/F) 59- Return to Fjotra
  • (M/F) 60- Find a token of Sister Anwen's past and bring it back to her.
  • (M/F) 61- Anwen is too far gone. Maybe there's something in her quarters?
  • (M/F) 62- Find Avrusa Sarethi and talk to her
  • (M/F) 65- Return to Anwen with the replica of the Grace of Dibella
  • (M/F) 69- Return to Fjotra
  • (M/F) 70- Meet Sister Eda at the hot springs near Darwater Crossing
  • (M/F) 72- Find a copy of Sister Eda's lost poetry and bring it back to her.
  • (M/F) 75- Return to Eda
  • (M/F) 79- Return to Fjotra
  • (M/F) 80- Talk to Mother Hamal when she is in the underground baths
  • (M/F) 90- Talk to Fjotra about the Temple