Roadmap (tentative) - SkyrimLL/SkLLmods GitHub Wiki

  • Blog post with TAZ settings

  • Expand SD+ / Dialogues beast masters

  • Rewrite SD+ outfit system as racial overrides

  • Release SD+ 3.5

  • Hormones - NiO edition

  • Fix bugs for hormones (black hair)

  • Release Hormones 2.0.5

  • Add full crawling animations and awareness system for other mods
  • Release SD+ 3.5.1

  • Rework fetish system with mod events and daily task
  • Test on red wave quest
  • Fix bugs for nord queen (sex alerts), red wave (bounty alerts)
  • Add skin support for nord queen + custom items and quest stages
  • Release stories 0.8.2

  • Set up parasites as Devious Devices
  • Set up infection / cure system
  • Basic quest to find meta parasite
  • Release SexLab Parasites 0.1

  • Chaurus queen quest: 2 mod events
  • Chaurus egg tender (prologue) - harvest eggs for shaman, dream of the Queen if EC impregnated
  • Brood maiden (actual start) - find new mate, get impregnated, dream of the Queen
  • Release devious stories +1

  • improve creature master/slave in dialogues (for Chaurus/Draugr follower quest)
  • add dark pregnancy to Nord Queen (with shade follower)
  • add being female support to stories NPCs
  • finish Chaurus and Nord queen quests
  • Release Stories +1

  • milk farm start / quest for Dwemer tech
  • add sexbot parts to devious stories
  • sexbot start / quest for repairs
  • Release stories +2 / devious stories +2

  • finish slave dialogues
  • update mind control and Alicia mod
  • Release mind control +1 / Alicia +1 / Dialogues +1

  • finish player spriggan quest
  • Alicia start / simple stub for now
  • release SD +2

  • twins quest in stories

  • Necromancer pet start / quest for memory and fire atronach effect / test compatibility with DDi 3.0 mod events
  • Release Dialogues +2 / Stories +3

  • add fat/athletic skins
  • Release Hormones +1