Hormones: FAQ - SkyrimLL/SkLLmods GitHub Wiki

How to get started with all these sliders and options?

The default settings are meant to show results quickly and to be used with the idea that more sex = less weight and larger boobs.

Depending on your body shape, you may want to adjust a few things:

  • number of sex acts for High sex activity. The larger the value, the more progressive the changes.
  • number of days without sex for Low sex activity.
  • the modifiers for each node. Since the default of NiOverride is to be multiplicative, keep these mods as close to 1 as possible for small changes (for example, 1.1 for small increases and 0.9 for small decreases)
  • the modifier for the weight is additive by default. A negative value will cause a decrease in weight and a positive value will be an increase.
  • check Node balancing if you are using Beeing Female, Estrus Chaurus and/or Parasites to adjust max sizes automatically or leave it unchecked if you want a hard limit to the max sizes of the nodes.

As a rule of thumb, weight change is applied only once a day (midnight) and is calculated based on the overall sex activity that day. Node scales are changed after sex by a small amount each time, and after midnight, also based on the overall activity that day.

Some events amplify the changes - pregnancy or being a succubus for example.

The hair color setting is there only for certain events, like the Bimbo quest (blonde) or my upcoming Sanguine quest (red). You shouldn't get hair color changes after sex.

If you have multiple mods using NiOverride, I HIGHLY recommend taking the time to edit the ini file to 'Largest' mode instead of the default 'Multiplicative'. That will keep you from oversized body parts.

See this for details: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/53219-sexlab-inflation-framework/?page=46

Which Hormones are defined and what do they do?

See the table at this page for more details.

What are the chances of the curses happening after sex with Honey or dremoras?

If you have sex with Honey, you should get %100 chance of curse. Check if the curse is enabled in your menu if it doesn't happen and send me an error log if it keeps failing.

With Dremoras, things go like this:

  • if player and dremora are both female, %10 chance of bimbo curse

  • if player is male and dremora female, %40 chance of bimbo curse and %0 chance of sex change curse to female

  • if player is female and dremora male, %40 chance of bimbo, %20 chance of transgender and %0 chance of sex change to male (unless you are pregnant from Estrus Chaurus, Beeing Female or Soul Gem Oven).

When i turn my male character into a bimbo ... the body changes .... but the head stays the same.

Did you install consoleUtil?

Without it, the sex change did not happen with script.

It is also possible that consoleUtil just doesn't fire up for some reason.

You can still run the bimbo quest but you will have to set the gender of your character to Female in Racemenu when it appears. It is usually a good thing to do anyway since Skyrim doesn't seem to apply face presets correctly when you change sex and race in midflight.

What I usually do is, when Racemenu appears after the curse is cast, I switch race from Bimbo to Nord to Bimbo again, and gender from Male to Female (or Female to Male to Female again if you have consoleUtil). That seems to clear most of the ugly effects from bad face presets.

So, about how long does it take for the final bimbo stage to trigger now?

Anyway, thanks for the update. Looking forward to testing it out more thoroughly later on.

The final stage should happen after 5 days or so, and the transformation should be refreshed every day.

After 15 days from your transformation, you will get a daily chance of being permanently transformed into a Bimbo.

The percent chance of that happening is your Bimbo Hormones. Get your hormone near 100% and it will happen right away.

You can keep your Bimbo hormone up by doing things bimbo love to do - sex mostly. Oral, anal and vaginal sex in that order impact on the hormone.

Also, remember your hormone level will decrease a little bit each day, so better keep at it to be safe.

I started this mod when my body was already a bit scaled (milkmod and cursed loot). Did hormones now saved it for the "1.0" shape?

Hormones saves your original state and race. Depending on how you start your game, or if you have to use ShowRacemenu and change race after Hormones starts, you may have to force a reset of the default state (use Set default shape) in the menu.

I have the feeling that the bodyshape is switching around (again milkmod and for the belly "Fill Her Up" (i turned off the cursed loot bodyshape thing)). Is it just my imagine or how do i fix that?

There is no compatibility across the board between mods that change body shapes and nodes. That's why I added checkboxes in the menu to disable effects as needed. If you are using Fill Her Up, you may have to uncheck the Belly node in Hormones menu. Same with the Breasts node for Milkmod. I don't use these mods, so it will take a while before I can add proper detection of their effects in Hormones.

When there is no weight variation (0 and 100 are the same for me because im to lazy to change it) can i turn of the weight based changes?

Yes.. If there is no weight variation, having the Weight effect on or off in Hormones should matter.

How does this transgender and sexchange thing work in context? Do i get one of those curses (succu/bimbo/tg/sexchange) when the character has to much sex or only when a daedra fucks me?

If you select these curses in the menu, they will be triggered when your character has sex with Dremora, Dremora outcasts or some special character like Honey. The idea is that these characters infect the player with primordial energy from Oblivion, which has unique effects on the player's body. You can track down Dremora outcasts and ask them for a cure. Note that after a certain stage of Succubus or if you are pregnant, they will refuse to cure you.

The latest version of Hormones allows you to brew tonics to increase your Growth and Metabolism hormones. You can find a book of recipes in Anise's Cabin west of Riverwood.

Outside of that, you can trigger the change in a few ways:

  • find and free Honey on a small island of Lake Rumare. Sex with her will mess up your hormones and push the transformation forward.
  • have sex with one of the Outcasts in the game. Look for them in Dragon's bridge and Kynesgrove, or randomly in dungeons or on the road.
  • have sex with Dremoras or Falmers. Mods like Sanguine Debauchery allows you to be enslaved to Falmers and adds Sanguine as a character you can have sex with. This should work with most mods that add Dremora followers or make these races friendly for example.

I get another body (normaly COS when naked and CT77 when clothes and so on) when turned into a bimbo. I don't know what for a body that is but how to i fix that?

You will have to extract the Hormones folders for meshes and textures from the BSA file and overwrite the files with files from your usual shape (and respecting the same name as used by Hormones). No need to pack everything again into a BSA file ... folders inside the Data folder take priority over BSA files.

What else (excep the haircolor) do i have to change when the character is transformed into a bimbo? I don't know how to get slavetats when im in the racemenu so best thing i can do is just to wait a day so the character gets all the tattoos?

Tats are managed by slavetats MCM menu and directly by script. They are not visible in Racemenu. You should wait a few days for the full effects of the curse. Tats and curse effects are reapplied every few days in case you manage to get rid of the effects :)

Are there problem when i uninstall the mod? Because i think i messed a bit up.

If you want to cleanly reinstall or uninstall the mod, I suggest you first use the Reset option in Hormones menu, then uncheck all the effects in the menu and only then, uninstall the mod and clean your save game.