Alicia: Walkthrough - SkyrimLL/SkLLmods GitHub Wiki

The Butcher of Windhelm

  • As you investigate murders in Windhelm during the 'Blood on the Ice' quest, you will be led to Hjerim. An abandoned house in the wealthy district. There, you will notice moans and scream coming from the basement.
  • Find your way to the basement, either by gaining access to the house during 'Blood on the Ice' or by going around the house and discovering a trapdoor.
  • In the basement, you will find Alicia waiting for you in a room with a bed, a cage and various torture devices.
  • Alicia is a gift from Sanguine... yours to do as you wish.
  • If you look around in the Inn, at Calixto's house and Wuunferth's room in the Palace, you will find notes linking Alicia to some of the murders blamed on the Butcher.

Sanguine's Pet

  • Talk to Alicia to get a sense of her story and why she craves pain.
  • Give her what she wants, either in combat or by hitting her directly. Her power is derived from the amount of pain she experiences, filling up until she experiences a climax in the form of sexual release, a magical release of an explosive spell, simply undressing herself or turning into Ali, a succubus like being.
  • Ali follows the same pattern of explosive power, but she has her own mind - domineering while Alicia is submissive.
  • Talk to Ali until she reveals the nature of her real master - Sanguine.
  • (Optional) Talk to scholars and collectors in Skyrim for books about Sanguine. There are 3 books to find with more details about Alicia's relationship with Sanguine (but the books are not vital to the completion of the quest).

Alicia's past

  • When Ali turns back into Alicia, ask her about what happened. If she has received enough pain from you to trust you, she will reveal something about her past, her father and her birth place.
  • Her birth place is a destroyed shack in a ravine, next to a river and a ruined prison.
  • There, you will find Alicia's echo... what remains of her humanity. When you talk to the echo, Alicia should vanish with a scream.
  • Explore the abandoned prison and fight the ghosts of some of Alicia's victims, murdered viciously during her training years.
  • In one of the back rooms, guarded by the ghost of a jailor, is a book... research notes from Alicia's former master. Reading the notes opens a portal in the main hallway of the prison.

Alicia's fate

  • Go through the portal to find Alicia and Ali fighting each other in one of Sanguine's realms
  • In front of them is a device, a chest with two soul shards and the corpse of Alicia's former master.
  • Search the corpse for notes about the device and decide what you want to do about Alicia.
  • If you use the device without any of the soul shards, you will keep Alicia as she is. She will randomly turn into Ali during orgasms (about %50 chance)
  • If you use the device with only Alicia's soul shard inside, Ali will remain as your follower and will stop transforming.
  • If you use the device with only Ali's soul shard inside, Alicia will remain as your follower and will stop transforming.
  • If you use both shards in the device, Alicia will be cured and will appear outside the prison, replacing her echo. She will start marching towards Markarth to meet her sister, Agnes, in the Temple of Dibella (you may have to walk up the road to find her).


  • Agnes currently has a small dialogue if you talk to her about Alicia.
  • The rest of the epilogue and conclusion about Alicia's quest is still under development.