SL Dialogues is a new companion mod for SD+ and soon, Stories, Hormones, Mind Control, Alicia (or other mods if anyone is interested).

These mods all need to define NPCs as a dom, a sub, or a romantic interest in some kind. Instead of recreating the same dialogue trees again and again, this mod just defines a shared dialogue tree with a few parameters about the kind of NPC we are dealing with.

The idea is to be able to set a personality type for an NPC, along with their mood, trust and a few other parameters that other mods can make use of, and use these values to unlock the corresponding interactions with that NPC.

SexLab Dialogues displays a new option when talking to NPCs ( [More dialogues] ).

Depending on values assigned to the NPC via storageUtil variables, it will display new dialogue trees: Romance, PC as Master, PC as Slave, Bestiality and Begging/Gifts.

For now, it implements only the first level of PC as Slave and Begging/Gifts. I will work on the Romance, PC as Master and Bestiality branches next month while I work on Stories and the Sisterhood of Dibella.

You do need SL Dialogues for the next version of SD+.

SD+ will not crash if you don't have SL Dialogues but it will not have a way to interact with the Master in any meaningful way.

Consensual relationships

Player as Submissive (Humanoid)

Player as Dominant (Humanoid)

Player as Submissive (Creature)

Player as Dominant (Creature)



Begging works differently now.

If you are wearing poor clothes, nothing at all or a collar (or a combination of these), you will have a chance NPCs will give you money, with or without asking for something in return.

So if you want to beg, you will have to look the part.

No more asking for a handout while wearing a shiny golden armor :)

If these conditions fail, you will get the same answer 'Get a job'. The dialogue will always be visible, so you will never know what the NPC will reply :)