The place where a Daedra goes to unwind. When you encounter Sanguine here you'll find him sauced and appreciating his special version of entertainment. He populates his dreamworld with his favorite victims and special pets. This is also the place where you'll find the inventory that your captors didn't steal from you. Sanguine finds it more fun when you've been completely relieved of your possessions.

*Note that the Dreamworld is not the same place as the Feasting Glen where you first meet Sanguine at the end of "A Night to Remember." Think of the Glen in that quest as the inviting foyer that leads to the darker, more twisted Dreamworld that you'll discover later.

The Feasting Glen found at the end of "A Night to Remember".

Sanguine's Dreamworldote that the Dreamworld is under active development. For the time being, it's a relatively passive experience. In future updates, interactions with Sanguine will be expanded with new quests and other small tasks.

Getting There

At some point of the game, you'll find yourself in a kind of dream, but not a dream of your own. After this first journey to the Dreamworld, you'll be drawn back in the last moment before death, or if you've been contrary enough as a slave that you've made it impossible for your owner to be pleased with you.

You can decide to hold off on meeting him at all by unchecking the 'immersive starts' in SD+ menu.

If that option is checked, some conditions will gives you a certain amount of chance of visiting Sanguine on sleep.

  • sleep in certain places where he is likely to visit (some inns, his secret shrine, Morvunskar fort, the temple of the Divines in Solitude, Haelga's basement, etc)
  • you get additional chance to visit him on sleep if you carry Honningbrew Mead with you, or if you have collected dragon souls, killed daedras or visited him previously.
  • also, some of my player starts as part of Content Consumer Alternate Starts give you a default chance of visit while sleeping anywhere (like starting as a Nord Queen, as a sex bot or in the Red Wave).
  • finally, you can increase your chances of going there by using the 'Pray' option from the surrender key

Some conditions prevent visits as well, such as being imprisoned and eventually, certain quests like visiting Solstheim or Sovengarde.

You may be sent there if an enslavement is going bad (more than 3 days as a slave with a pissed off master).

You can also go there if you are defeated in combat. This is triggered by a Blackout event in DA (you can change the likelihood of the event or turn it off completely in DA's menu).

Rumors are that there is a faster way to go there by worshiping at the altar of a secret Sanguine Shrine (located somewhere under Honningbrew Meadery in Whiterun).

Map to the Sanguine shrine

Finally, you will go there on Death (DA's final death scenario) but only after you visited Dreamworld once. Before that, you just die and reload.

For Modders - There is also a storageUtil flag for mods that need to disable 'dreamworld on sleep' altogether (_SD_iDisableDreamworldOnSleep) - except for the first time visit after enslavement - and a ModEvent to force a visit if needed.


Speak to Sanguine. It's more entertaining to have you running about, getting into hopeless trouble than to keep you in the Dreamworld. His pets provide that kind of fun. He'll send you back to Skyrim as his whims dictate. -The first few times you visit the Dreamworld, you'll be sent back to the place where you entered it.

After this, you'll be sent back to a safe haven.

Once plopping you in a safe location grows boring for him, Sanguine will send you back to random places...some safe, some not so much.

If you keep returning to the Dreamworld, it'll become clear that you're likely to keep coming back. Since he can count on you to get into enough trouble that he's virtually guaranteed a visit from his favorite plaything, Sanguine will allow you choose your destination.

There's a chain mounted on a post in the Dreamworld that acts as a safety valve in the event that Sanguine doesn't want to chat. This isn't intentional, but thing go screwy sometimes. If you can't get Sanguine to send you back to your wanderings, pull the chain.

Sanguine's slavery gear

Sanguine is devious and not entirely predictable. The slave gear and enchantments he favors you with may remain in place when you return to Tamriel.

His collar makes you vastly more appealing as a potential slave. Wearing it, you may submit to people around you, claiming that you need a strong hand to guide you. You'll find these people all too likely to take you up on your offer.

His gag will encourage people you meet to force feed you drinks... or drugs

His handcuffs will give some people the desire grab something.. anything.. from your inventory as a reminder of how you aroused them.

His ankle chains will slow you down and increase the chance other people will take advantage of the effects of the other artifacts.

Finally, his genital piercing will get other people around you aroused to the point some will not resit the impulse to grope you (that's the Coveted effect).

Sanguine's bindings won't just drop from your limbs because you want them to. Find a guard to help you, or seek out someone with the appropriate tools to set you free. For the collar, you will need someone with more power, such as a court wizard.

Dreamworld quest (draft)

  • go to dreamworld the first time and talk to Sanguine

  • he will enslave you and ask for a drink

  • bring him the right drink using 'I have a drink for you' (and NOT using the default 'I have something for you'

  • once he is happy with his drink, you can ask 'can i go now?' and he should free you on the spot.

  • ask to go away again and he will slap bondage gear and send you on your way

  • you will have to go back to dreamworld a few times (5 times total) to see the next dialogue unlock

  • he will first send you to a random place

  • then he will send you to Haelga's basement, where you can find a clue

  • that clue will take you to Whiterun for the next clue to his underground altar

  • back to dreamworld, you can ask him if he wants you to start a cult in his honor

  • he will send you back and you will have to go back to dreamworld to ask other Alicias about what Sanguine really wants

  • once you find out what you need from Alicias, Sanguine will tell you he is busy and send you to talk to Crassius Curio (in a cage next to his throne)

  • Crassius will tell you to go back to the world and ask scholars about The Truth (look for places with books or collectibles and notable people who owns them)

  • once you find out about the Truth, go back to Crassius and ask if Sanguine wants to be killed. He will send you to talk to his master and from there, you will have to find Sanguine's private chamber (somewhere in Dreamworld)

  • in the chamber, you can read some notes about Alicias

  • talk to Sanguine again and he will send you to one of Azura's garderns in Moonshadow to retrieve a piece of your soul

  • come back with it and Sanguine will offer you a choice:

1- embrace your true nature and join him 2- serve him and find a true Alicia for him 3- pretend to serve him and betray him in the end

( this is the end of the quest so far.. the next chapter will be about these three choices)