Ideas: Master Follower rules - SkyrimLL/SDPlus GitHub Wiki

Master / Follower rules

  • Use storageUtils to keep track of enslavement parameters
  • Allow variations of gag, restraints, slave clothing
StorageUtil list of punishment items
DeviousDevice add-on will add FormIDs to that list
  • Add backstory to collar, slave items
  • Disable some dialogs when gagged
  • Ownership transfer function
  • Conditional release
enable release if goal is reached (duration, master satisfaction, gold, number items)
  • Conditional master dialog
enable dialog only when task is complete (fetch, mine, wood, sex, ...)
  • Kneel if close to master
Kneel more if master is angry
  • Belethor warehouse
add special storage for player items
send items when player escapes (transfer on enslave quest shutdown)
  • Number of days for check in
if no check in with master after x days, considered escaped
  • Flag to trigger master following or static
  • Trigger thugs on escape
random chance based on goal reached
- Master routine
Time of day - duration - task - passive answer - angry answer - task completed - task incomplete - task ignored
hidden expectation of good vs bad behavior
punishment if slave too good or too bad
master happy if slave behavior is balanced
slave considered escaped if too far after end of current duration
chance of whipping if slave asks for food outside of meals
if master vampire, feed from slave / cast life drain / turn PC into a vampire on join
add chores, sweep floor
Special routines (test subject for spells with side effects, target practice, master hunts slave)
- Sleep
start: 12am
duration: 8 hours
task: find bed nearby or drop bedroll if no bed available / order slave to sleep
passive answer: short leash / can sleep / no clothing indoors / can wear clothes outdoors / tied hands
angry answer: tied up or in cage / no clothing / tied hands
- Breakfast
start: 8am
duration: 1 hour
task: order slave to fetch food and drinks
passive answer: slave can get left over / long leash / free hands / can pick up food and ingredients / can cook / can wear clothes
angry answer: no food / short leash / tied hands
complete task: extra food and drinks
incomplete task: skooma / whipping
ignored task: punishment / gag
- Daily task from 9am to 7pm
Option 1: Follow master / work / lunch / hunt / sex / rest
Option 2: Run errand
Option 3: If very bad, caged from 9am to 7pm
- Work (option 1)
start: 9am
duration: 3 jours
task: work / find idle station or create one if missing / order slave to be quiet
passive answer: long leash / free hands / can pick up food and ingredients / can wear clothes / can cook / can use crafting stations
angry answer: short leash / tied hands
complete task: keep privileges
incomplete task: (1 interruption) whipping
ignored task: (>1 interruptions) slave locked in place / punishment
- Lunch (option 1)
start: 12pm
duration: 1 hour
task: order slave to fetch food and drinks
passive answer: slave can get left over / long leash / free hands / can pick up food and ingredients / can cook / can wear clothes
angry answer: no food / short leash / tied hands
complete task: extra food and drinks
incomplete task: skooma / whipping
ignored task: punishment / gag
- Hunt (option 1)
start: 12pm
duration: 4 hours
task: order slave to follow and fetch prey
passive answer: long leash / can wear clothing / can pick up food and ingredients
angry answer: short leash / hands tied / follow only
complete task: treat
incomplete task: (stray outside of leash range for short time) whipping
ignored task: (stray outside range for long time, prey not picked up) punishment / anal beads
- Sex (day)
start: 4pm
duration: 1 hour
task: order slave to strip and serve x times / dialog based (open your mouth, bend over, show me your tits)
passive answer: sex scene / consensual
angry answer: sex scene / rough
complete task: (sex x times)
incomplete task: (one or more angry answer) skooma / whipping
ignored task: (all angry answers) punishment / gag / blinds / anal beads / locked in place
- Rest
start: 5pm
duration: 2 hours
task: order slave to get out of the way
passive answer: medium leash / stay naked indoors / clothing only outdoors / can pick up ingredients and food
angry answer: short leash / stay naked / hands tied / caged
complete task: (no interruptions) keep privileges
incomplete task: (one interruption) skooma / whipping
ignored task: (more interruptions) punishment / gag / blinds / anal beads / locked in place
- Errand (option 2)
start: 9am
duration: 10 hours
task: Fetch x number of ... money, firewood, ingredient, ...
passive answer: long leash / can wear clothing / can pick up food and ingredients
angry answer: long leash / hands tied / naked only
complete task: treat
incomplete task: (bring back less than x items) whipping
ignored task: (bring back 0 items) punishment
- Caged (option 3)
start: 9am
duration: 10 hours
task: Caged for the day / naked
passive answer: Caged only
angry answer: Caged / bound position / occasional beatings or sex from nearby NPC (each with choice of passive and angry reactions)
complete task: Only passive reactions - Released
incomplete task: One angry reaction - Gag / bound
ignored task: More than one angry reactions - Less trust
- Dinner
start: 7pm
duration: 1 hour
task: order slave to fetch food and drinks
passive answer: slave can get left over / long leash / free hands / can pick up food and ingredients / can cook / can wear clothes
angry answer: no food / short leash / tied hands
complete task: extra food and drinks
incomplete task: skooma / whipping
ignored task: punishment / gag
- sex (night)
start: 8pm
duration: 4 hour
task: order slave to strip and entertain / dance / whoring with nearby npcs
passive answer: sex scene / consensual
angry answer: sex scene / rough
complete task: (sex x times)
incomplete task: (one or more angry answer) skooma / whipping
ignored task: (all angry answers) punishment / gag / blinds / anal beads / locked in place
- Variables
Currently enslaved (Bool)
Current Master
Last Master
Date of enslavement
Days since enslaved
Days since last escape
Number of good acts
Date of last good act
Number of bad acts
Date of last bad act
Master original relationship
Master current relationship
Master mood
Master trust
Slave collar type - 0 for no collar - 1,2,3... for rope, leather, iron
Slave bindings type
Slave shackles type
Slave blinds type
Slave gag type
Slave cloth type - 0 naked, 1 cloth only, 2 armor allowed
Slave weapon type - 0 no weapon, 1 non enchanted, 2 enchanted
Slave magic type - 0 no magic or shout, 1 shout only, 2 magic only, 3 magic and shout
Slave controls type - 0 no control, 1 basic interaction (no inventory), 2 inventory....
Leash reference (center)
Leash length
Temp release date
Temp release duration
- Functions
Init slavery state
Load slavery state
Save slavery state
Update Master state
Update Slave state
Update Followers state
Capture Slave
Release Slave
Transfer Slave
- Master personality profile
Sadistic - Happy with torture
Caring - Seeks full compliance
Gambling - Train slave for dog fights
Breeder -
Profit - Ransom, get slave healthy for profit
- Master Slave relationship
Relationship ActorValue ( -4 Archenemy to 4 Lover )
- Master state
Mood ( -4 Mad to 4 Happy )
Trust ( -4 Max restrictions to 4 No restrictions)
- Master restrictions
Money (Allowance)
Food / Drinks / Potions
- Master needs
Food / drinks
Special items (firewood, ingredients)
- Master actions
Whipping - slave roaming
Punishment - slave locked in place
Change appearance
Force feed drugs / alcohol
Remove clothing (strip naked)
Remove armor (replace by clothing)
Remove weapons
Tie slave in place / humiliation (urinate - see puppet master)
Lock slave up (prison cell, cages, zaz furniture)
Share slave - with nearby NPC
Sell slave - ritual necromancer, vampire cattle,
Dump slave - left for dead in ditch
- Slave restraints
Shackles - ankles - slow down
Cuffs - wrists - limited pickpocket/controls off
Collar - neck - invisible fence/no shout
- Slave punishment items
Blinds - reduced vision
Butt plug
Gag - limited dialog options
Branding / Mark
- Devious Device module
Detect master and enslavement from storage
Assign restraints or punishments with key
- Slave actions
Give items to Master to reduce weight
Fetch item (see Master needs)
Find money (regardless of need)
Beg (voice)
Beg (gagged)
Insult (voice)
Struggle (gagged)
Struggle (menu system like Devious Devices)
- Special enslavements
Falmers - for breeding with falmers and chaurus
Spiders - for breeding eggs
Giants -
Draugr -
- Location based slavery quest
Belethors warehouse - backstory about sister and mother sold
Breeder - farm, pregnant slaves
Milk drinker - farm, big chest, dwemer machine
collector - house, museum
Zookeeper - dungeon, breeding creatures, hybrids
Humiliation shows - fort, arena, bestiality
dog fights - fort or cave,fights
servant - jarl or wealthy npc
miner - forsworn mine or Markhart mine
farmer - farm outside whiterun
smith - released after x items produced
mill - south lake, next to falkreath
comfort station - soldier camp, pirate ship
left for dead - ditch, Falmer hole
found after dead - kajit caravan, temple
- Rules
On capture, Master removes all weapons, armor, clothing, money
Enslavement starts fully decked (gag, restraints) - Slave has to work to get back to normal
Early on, lots of sex / punishments (alternate between two)
Eventually, more space between sex and punishment, more room for other actions
Start relationship at -1 / Go lower or higher based on actions of slave
If slave escapes, relationship set to -2 if slave mostly good / -3 if mostly bad / -4 if key stolen
If slave declines join, relationship set to -1
If slave joins, relationship remains above 1 (higher is slave very good)
Master follows all the time / trigger more complete 'follower' AI packages based on relationship
if slave too obedient, their owner will value them too much to get rid of them.
If slave too disobedient, they'll end up being punished so often that they're broken.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️