Ideas: Inspiration from forum - SkyrimLL/SDPlus GitHub Wiki

Right now, you can be enslaved by:

  • losing a fight
  • being claimed by someone who kills your master
  • being claimed after asking someone to release you from your chains
  • submitting willingly

Eventually, I will try to add random location based enslavement.

DA's quest to fetch some firewood at an inn gives me a perfect blueprint.

I can try to reproduce that in other areas:

  • in a mine + extract x amount of ore
  • at a mill + cut x amount of wood
  • at a forge + create x number of swords for the civil war
  • in a guards barracks or soldiers camp + service x number of guards/soldiers
  • in a fort with an arena + win x fights with animals
  • in a cave with a fighting ring + put on x shows with animals

These should all be possible to write - just time consuming to test. The hard part is to make sure there is a master at the random location picked by the game (or decide what to do when there is no suitable master... maybe send you back to Sanguine by default).

Flowering Spriggan

Flowering Spriggan enslavement doesn't seem to count as a first enslavement in terms of getting into Sanguine's Dreamworld A lot of the normal spriggans seem to have been replaced with flowering spriggans. Unfortunately these don't seem to properly start the Flowering Spriggan quest (this may have been reported already). The MCM says that Flowering Spriggan is active, but I don't get the quest or the armor (though people around me do occasionally get the green glow) Once the spriggan leaves me, but the quest is not complete, I get the same messages as when the armor was on (based on the quest, they spriggans are having their way with me), but no actions seem to trigger - are they supposed to? In older versions, I remember the green glow activating on the player, now (except directly after becoming the host) it seems only surrounding NPCs get the glow. Is this how it should be? Upon becoming a host, I received a spell to summon a spriggan. After completing the quest, this spell stayed in my spell book and became a way for me to instantly restart the quest - was this intentional?

I love the Flowering Spriggan quest, btw, and can't wait to see some of the items you have planned for it. One thing I thought of while playing was that it would be cool to possibly have some body expansion (breasts, butt, and/or belly) take place when the sap is pumping into your body - basically making the character more voluptuous.

Regular Enslavement

Sometimes, members of the same faction keep beating on me (and end up killing me) after one of them has become my master. For the "invisible fence" effect, there seems to be an incompatibility with the Invested Magic mod. Essentially, it makes it last pretty much indefinitely just like a cloak spell until I dispel it. No big deal, just figured I would put it out there as an FYI.

Just branching off into a bit of reality discussion, the collar and cuffs define a person as a slave, as much as the clothing you wear or the food you eat defines you as a person. In a SSC bdsm context, a slave doesn't need collars, cuffs, or gadgets and gizmos to be who they are. Just like a Dom/Domme does not need to have some huge fetish wardrobe with a riding crop and paddle. That is all determined on the individual.

I do agree with you that Collars are a traditional visual recognizer of a slave. But it's not all defining. There are many methods to identify or align yourself with a slave image. For instance, bracelets, tattoos, piercings, uniforms/outfits, jewelry, etc... And were I to walk into a bandit camp in game, and stumble across a cage full of naked people, I'm likely to assume they aren't acting on their free will. And I'm going to assume they need pants, it's cold outside.

From a skewed point of view, one could very easily play vanilla Skyrim and go do any of the quest chains, and pretend to themselves they are a slave. They choose to serve a faction, they acquire tasks, complete them, and are rewarded for their good behavior. If you break the "Masters" rules: stealing, killing, serving another faction, you are punished through various means (mostly being kicked out of your faction). That requires no special gear at all. Just some imagination and roleplay.

Sexual Slavery

If you're looking to enjoy sexual slavery, then armor can certainly go very well out the door. But at the same time, I wouldn't expect a sex slave to be adventuring across the lands fighting dragons with his/her moans of doom and thrusts of delight. A sex slave in context fits more in not needing to commit to combat.

For instance, if I wanted to play that kind of slave, I would team up with a capable fighter type. We will use Mjoll the Lioness for instance. Mjoll has the ability to whack, smack, and deliver indiscriminate justice with Grimsever, and has the armor to back herself up. She would be the fighter and the domme, though by choice she is running around with you, her slave. She uses you to negotiate with quest givers, townsfolk, and whatever else (Which is pretty handy because the skimpy outfits she keeps you in help with that speechcraft.), and drags you along as her partner/entertainment. Uses you when she wants, does embarrassing things to you, so on and so forth. So Mjoll does all the bashing of the faces, and when she's done, hot, still in the combat rush with no enemies, she grabs you by the hair, pulls you in, gets a hot kiss, and that's when you get to work. That would be a sex slave as I see it.

Warrior Slavery

An alternative to that along the same lines is general slavery in a semi-gladiator fashion.

Ogol (Orc Warrior) in this instance acts pretty much the same, using you for glory, coin, riches, and the frequent relief of his green monster, but you are the diplomat. You talk to the boring Jarl, you deal with the old woman who wasn't happy how he got her cat out of the tree (Namely with his Axe), you gather information and essentially do all the work while he reaps all the benefits. And reaps you too as it so happens. You still get armor, weapons, potions and the like, which lets you live and be of use in his battles, but when he says "Strip down, set up camp, make my dinner, get my sleeping pad warm, and make sure you're ready for me." you best do it or suffer the consequences. Namely his tusks. Those hurt.

So in these two examples - As a slave to Mjoll, you don't need combat. Bondage is great. 24/7 lockup! As a slave to Ogol, you need to be combat ready. Full time bondage a no no.

So from there, one could actually Theoretically (if this mod ever came into being) set up two divergent paths. One with a Sex Slave path, and one with a Warrior Slave path.

Those two could be initiated through a dialogue as simple as a question.

"Are you as useless as I think you are, or can you actually use a weapon?"

Option A - (No - Sets up for Warrior Slave) - "I'm good enough to fight for you." "Heh, we'll see about that." -PC is Collared -PC is allowed to keep all inventory. -PC is NOT allowed to keep gold (Daily Empty to Owner)

Option B - (Yes - Sets up for Sex Slave) - "I... I'm..." "Thought so. Well I know one thing you're going to get good at." -PC is Collared and put into other gear. -PC is put into bound animation. -PC is NOT Allowed to keep all inventory/gold. -PC is NOT Allowed to pick up objects/gold. (I would suggest an immediate drop or transfer to owner function for the purposes of quest items. But this promotes an issue that if you ever needed to buy something, you're kinda screwed.)

"You're mine now. And that means what I say goes. I'm going to let you handle jobs and take care of business, but I'm the one in charge. Understood?" "Yes (Master/Mistress). I understand."

I digress as I got waaaay off track here. ADHD mindset. Squirrels and all that.

So back to some of the final things - It should be something that is always there, reminding of the submissive position. Collar at least. I have difficulties imagining a clothed sex slave, though there is plenty of mods for all the levels of sluttiness to cover any slave's needs.

Personally, I'm fond of tattoos/piercings. And for the love of all that's holey (Get it? I made a pun there :3), I can never seem to find any good piercing mods though. All that I've seen are tacky, underdeveloped, and over sized. I'm sure there has to be a good one out there though.

Clothing and slavery aren't opposites. Mind you, skimpy clothing has a better appeal for the sexual slavery thing, but do try to remember, this is Skyrim. You wouldn't want to be running around freezing your bits off now would you? Suppose that somebody took their slave up to the Throat of the World. If you aren't dressed for that, or have magic on your side, you just won a free slave-sicle.

Though I don't disagree, skimpy certainly is appealing both ways as seen in the below example. The less clothing leaves to the imagination, the more people are likely to react to it. Though it can be said that some skimpy clothes do leave much to the imagination, but do so in a way that provokes lust and urges. Individual dependent again I think. (Both of these are Avatar fan images. If that's not your thing, you were warned. They are safe for work though. Somewhat. Depends on where you work really, though why are you here if you're at work...) Spoiler

The solution should be somewhere in the middle. Keep cuffs at all times, but automatically enable player controls when combat begins maybe?

That would be much easier I think. In fact, if I recall right, when you go into combat, you enter into a separate animation setup. So whenever you aren't in combat stance, you display the bound pose and animations, but switching to combat stance puts you in normal combat animations. Not sure how it all works, but I know that on some things I've worn, it sets me up in an animation, then I switch to combat and it forgets it. So very easy to do there. You'd just be able to switch whenever you wanted.

And that's all I have this time.

  1. Being broken has permanent consequences. Possibilities include: i. willpower decreasing more rapidly in the future, ii. some stat being permanently debuffed, iii. more easily enslaved in the future (implemented by higher health threshold for weakened state)... really there's a lot of stuff you could do

This works to give a non-RP reason to want to avoid being broken, just like 1/1.a give non-RP reasons to avoid submission. Mechanic would still be quite workable without it. However I think it makes sense that SD, as a death replacement mod, at some point gives you a mechanical penalty for dying a lot. And it allows for a real, non-reloadable game over. Get broken often enough, and the accumulating penalties make the game unplayable- the Dragonborn just isn't suited for a life outside slavery anymore. It happens gradually enough that it's hard to notice, but eventually the player needs to concede defeat and try again. If you aren't into the idea of breaking the game, you can implement an "out" for the Dragonborn- they can have their will restored, but at the cost of performing some dreadful quest for Sanguine/another Daedra. Kill 10 innocent people in Whiterun, annihilate all priests of Akatosh at a certain location, or maybe even give Sanguine one of your followers as a slave in order to buy your soul back.

Basically I loved a mod that was for sexout new vegas that basically made 2 of the followers into BDSM dominants/Submissives depending on what you chose with them. and as you traveled with them they would randomly interact with the player from their roll. Stuff like stripping the player or having them whore themselves in the towns they had visited and it was really cool.

What makes this so different from the current enslavement mods we have is that this mod makes the master a follower and still allows for playing the game and advancing quests. It is also more of a BDSM lifestyle enslavement rather than the captured and held against their will enslavement. I would love to have this made into a mod.

Player/Spouse Random Interactions (most are repeatable):

Dominant Spouse wants to mark PC as their own. Can be repeated adding more tattoos to the body in new locations (slave tattoo mod tie in) ~Player can choose to obey and develop a submissive personality or say no and develop a dominant personality of her own Dominant spouse brings you to a random cave or fort ruin and says they want to explore it. ~PC can chose to obey and follow the spouse through the cave/ruin, or convince the spouse they the PC should be leading. Or convince the spouse that it is a bad idea and they should just go home. Dominant Spouse wants sex ~player can submit and have sex or tell the spouse they aren’t in the mood refuse this enough and the spouse might choose to rape PC. Spouse wants to put PC in her place and tells her to clean his boots/feet with her tongue ~PC can choose to obey or refuse Dominant Spouse wants PC to wear a gag, armbinder, chastity belt with or without plugs...etc (devious devices tie in) ~player can choose to wear the item until the spouse comes and takes it off or the player can tell the spouse they will never put something like that on willingly. Dominant Spouse brings PC to a town that they are Thane of and has her tell (x) amount of people that she is a slut/whore/slave etc... (if the PC is not thane in any city the destination will be random) ~Again player can choose to obey or tell spouse no to further develop their personality type Dominant Spouse Decides that they are not financially secure and decides to pimp out the PC in the closest city until (x) amount of gold is earned. ~again player can choose to obey or refuse After the PC has refused the spouse 10 times the Dominant Spouse Brings PC to solitude town square and puts her in a random Zaz cage, pillory, x-cross....etc for a few in game hours to try and break her will ~after the animation ends the player can choose if their will has been broken or not. If the player chooses to have their will broken they will only have the option to refuse the pimping interaction with a high speechcraft and will no longer be able to refuse the tattoo, thane humiliation, sex, and devious clothing interactions After the PC has obeyed 10 of the spouses commands, the Spouse will come to the player and demand that the PC becomes their slave. ~player must have at least 80 speechcraft to refuse, after all you have been cultivating this type of personality After the player becomes their spouses slave the spouse becomes their master/mistress/owner and will demand that the player gives them a certain amount of money every week (configurable in MCM) and will have no choice but to obey the wishes of their owner/master/mistress. If the player chose not to break to their spouses will in the town square punishment they can pretend that they gave in and lure the spouse out the wild and kill him/her freeing themselves of the marriage. After becoming slave, Spouse can decide to lead his slave through town by a leash (not visible) naked on her hands and knees showing off his property to the town folk. If the PC doesn’t come home with the amount of gold master/mistress/owner will tie PC to post and whip her. When arriving at home with spouse he will inform the player that he has setup a party for his friends and that the player would be expected to “entertain” them until the party is over (this includes sex, whipping, serving drinks, and erotic dancing)

Will post more details as I think of them. Any and all feedback and idea contribution is welcome

Request: add Corruption

Instead of only implementing sub/dom requests from follower, implement followers able to ask player to do things that corrupt, and make player evil. Npc can ask player to kill innocent farmer for example. That will make player character, in case he/she agrees, more evil and submissive in case it was a demand. If player gets too evil it can lead to some other consequences.

DD Integration would be really nice. What I would eventually like to see, or maybe make myself in some kind of add-on, is a "corruption" mechanic. A hidden variable that depends on time enslaved/punishments received/time spent at high arousal levels (possible with DD chastity belt and SL Aroused) that makes it proportionally less likely for the "aggressive" dialogue option to appear. The PC would need to try to escape as quickly as possible while attracting as little attention as possible to avoid being corrupted/brainwashed by their owner. At a certain level it could even take away the option to join, so that the character's only chance of escape would be the planned random "rescuer" events.

I currently sort of RP that scenario by running Defeat, SD+, and Aroused. I start the game with Aroused's Exposure and Time Rate stats set to 0, and a very small threshold/on hit chance for defeat. If something happens to make Arousal start to go up, I proportionally increase the on hit chance or threshold for Defeat, to represent the gradual sex addiction of the PC. Then I sort of adhoc my character's behavior when enslaved in a way which approximates the effect that would be had by a mod like the one I described above. The only way for the PC to return to his/her normal self is to complete some quest for a Daedra/Sithis/ other evil act. It's a really neat way to play a morally conflicted paladin type character.

Anyway, automating that sort of procedure would be my suggestion for a far-from-now update. And if it's outside the scope of the mod I might try to write and release my own. ———

I played the original SD with the leash and it was too limiting and artificial. A real, useful slave (or a Skyrim character that wants to accomplish anything) can't have their movement restricted like that. And the moment the leash comes off, you need some other way to keep escape challenging.

I think that using Devious Devices restraints could address these issues, because you need to obtain keys to get rid of them and you can make it pretty hard to get keys.

  1. Give new slaves an armbinder (or cuffs that work like one), slave boots, and a gag. Good behavior gets the gag taken off first, then the armbinder, then the boots.

Finding a sharp object does nothing. Struggling or a friendly NPC can remove the armbinder, everything else requires a DD key.

  1. Give indentured servants, who may run about independent of their master, a chastity belt. There are probably lots of opportunities to use plugs, especially for misbehaving slaves.

  2. Consider using the body harness which prevents other gear from being equipped on top, so escaped slaves can't immediately slip on armor.

  3. Consider having a device which disables fighting and magic (I think the current SD+ collar disables only magic, but there's a Zaz property to turn off fighting). Maybe make a version of the arm cuffs that does this, by magically slowing the arms or something. So even with the armbinder off, you can't just grab a sword and start killing. A character in this position needs to use theft, prostitution, etc.

  4. Make sure there's a reasonable supply of chastity and restraint keys. Master should generally be carrying some. Tell users to check the "consumable keys" option in DD, so they need a new key for each device.

The DD team is probably going to add more ways to get keys, but you could also add a dialog option to blacksmiths to have them sell keys. The price could be tied to the player's level to keep it balanced.

  1. Consider changing the "dog collar" device to one that punishes the slave, or slows them in a more interesting way, rather than just being a "slow field". Maybe even something which master can activate for punishment. I'm thinking magical shock effect, or vibration/edging effect.

This could even be on a timer. If you haven't talked to master in a while, periodic shocks or vibration set in. The longer you're away, the more frequent the effect becomes. Edging is nice because it has a sexy animation, ties into Aroused (so it's torture with a belt) and so on.

So under a system like this, how do you escape?

You can always get your master killed, or pickpocket him. But what if you can't find all his keys still on him? Oops.

Good behavior to get yourself let out of some of the gear makes sense.

With a follower master, there will be situations where you can get out of range long enough to count as escaped, but they won't be trivial to find. Blacksmiths won't sell you keys when you have a master, so you can't just walk into a city and insta-escape.

Then you have to find a bunch of DD keys, which shouldn't be trivial.

Slavery ideas

It is best to use functions in slaUtilScr their names are self exploratory.

Get functions are used to get value

Set functions are used to set value

Update functions are used to change value relatively to current value

in your case best use slaUtilScr.UpdateActorExposureRate(Actor akRef, Float val)

After playing a little bit today I got to thinking theres nothing really to motivate you to want to give into your master and do what they want.

Spoiler My idea is a sort of personality type mod that would alter your perspective from resistant to giving in, for example lets say your player resists completely, after a while dependent on whether your master is good or evil they would either force themselves on you constantly or (if devious devices are supported or added) they would put edging plugs or something similar in and lock the belt and after awhile you would beg to be released, and then dependent on your master type good or evil they would either take it off and leave it at that or use a different set of plugs that would force you to orgasm for a while until a stat such as mental resistance would hit zero which would in asort break your mind being almost a bad end (ergo not wanting to leave your master), of course the personality addon could go even further by adding a different nature to the player such as being prude and dominant to being submissive and being a nympho and everywhere in between

sorry for rambling and its just an idea (maybe for SD2 as a addon).

I suggested something similar a few pages back. My proposed mechanic is something like this.

"Willpower" = Magicka - days_enslaved - 2sex_since_enslaved - 5 zaz_punishments_since_enslaved

I think Magicka is a good, easy to use, lore friendly gauge of a character's force of will. Obviously the scalars attached to those variables can be adjusted, and other factors can be considered as well. There are then two possible mechanics:

1.) Gradual mechanic. Whenever a dialogue with Owner occurs, Willpower functions as a percentage chance that the non-passive option will be available, including the ability to select anything other than "I want to continue serving you" when the Owner gives you the option to join. Once it reaches 0 you're obviously doomed. At that point you need some other mechanic, such as the ability for NPCs to rescue the PC or the ability for owners to sell off their slaves in order for the story to progress anywhere. That is, assuming you have exhausted all other means of escape such as picking up nearby weapons by the time you've gotten to this point. In the absence of a new mechanic, Sanguine could just rescue the PC at this point. That is presumably why he's doing this at all, after all- to make the Dragonborn his toy, by breaking their will over and over.

2.) "Sudden" mechanic. After certain events, such receiving a punishment or maybe just sex with owner, there's a Willpower% chance that you get a "broken" state lasting a certain number of game days. (Probably randomly chosen, falling in a certain range). During this time, the PC is completely passive, always dances upon request, and generally of good behavior. Maybe it can be implemented that escape is impossible during this time.

You could also do the following things to make it more interesting:

  1. Owners don't like to sell obedient slaves. This obviously doesn't mesh well with the current mechanic, where owners ONLY release obedient slaves. To me, it makes sense that a slave who is more trouble than they're worth is worth less than a slave who does what they're told. So, a slave with high demerits needs to bring their master less gold to earn their freedom, or particularly disobedient slaves might just be bound and left for dead in the forest somewhere. That way, the character has to be very careful- if they're too obedient, their owner will value them too much to get rid of them. If they're too disobedient, they'll end up being punished so often that they're broken.

1.a. People are more likely to assault, merchants charge higher prices to, or thugs/bandits are more likely to attack, people with a reputation for submitting. That way the character still has to be strategic- too submissive and their reputation is ruined, too aggressive and they'll be broken (and as a result their reputation will be ruined).

  1. Owners tattoo slaves when they're "broken". IMO it makes the tattoos/racemenu changes more meaningful. They symbolize a more meaningful defeat than defeat in combat. This works really well with the new Slavetat mod that was just released. Can be combined with 1a above, so that the presence of tattoos substantially drops reputation. Lowlifes are more likely to assault a character with "public property" tattooed on their belly, and merchants don't want you in their store in the first place.

  2. Being broken has permanent consequences. Possibilities include: i. willpower decreasing more rapidly in the future, ii. some stat being permanently debuffed, iii. more easily enslaved in the future (implemented by higher health threshold for weakened state)... really there's a lot of stuff you could do.

1/1.a above serve the purpose of making the enslaved state still a game in some meaningful sense. You're not just RPing, you're trying to find a strategy to buy yourself enough time to escape. Without a mechanic like this, it always makes sense to be passive, because it doesn't decrease your willpower as quickly as being aggressive does. So mechanic 1 makes the enslavement itself a game. In 1.a being passive is still the best choice to prevent being broken, but you have to balance that concern with other lasting concerns that submission will cause. Although honestly, the desire not to give a blowjob to the person who's chained you up and stolen your stuff is a damn good RP reason to not want to choose the passive option, so I think the willpower mechanic is still really workable without it.

  1. Is just flavor. I still think it's a cool idea.

  2. Works to give a non-RP reason to want to avoid being broken, just like 1/1.a give non-RP reasons to avoid submission. Mechanic would still be quite workable without it. However I think it makes sense that SD, as a death replacement mod, at some point gives you a mechanical penalty for dying a lot. And it allows for a real, non-reloadable game over. Get broken often enough, and the accumulating penalties make the game unplayable- the Dragonborn just isn't suited for a life outside slavery anymore. It happens gradually enough that it's hard to notice, but eventually the player needs to concede defeat and try again. If you aren't into the idea of breaking the game, you can implement an "out" for the Dragonborn- they can have their will restored, but at the cost of performing some dreadful quest for Sanguine/another Daedra. Kill 10 innocent people in Whiterun, annihilate all priests of Akatosh at a certain location, or maybe even give Sanguine one of your followers as a slave in order to buy your soul back.

At this point I'm just rambling so I'll stop. But basically, I really like the general idea of this mechanic. It is my kind of thing, and eventually my desire for it is going to overcome my desire to succeed in other areas in my life and I'll just spend a lot of time implementing it in some way. Although note that you can do a lot of the above in SD+ right now, you just have to RP it. If you like the mechanical aspect, track your stats with pen and paper, or with a mod that gives you an in-game diary.

Basically I loved a mod that was for sexout new vegas that basically made 2 of the followers into BDSM dominants/Submissives depending on what you chose with them. and as you traveled with them they would randomly interact with the player from their roll. Stuff like stripping the player or having them whore themselves in the towns they had visited and it was really cool.

What makes this so different from the current enslavement mods we have is that this mod makes the master a follower and still allows for playing the game and advancing quests. It is also more of a BDSM lifestyle enslavement rather than the captured and held against their will enslavement. I would love to have this made into a mod.

Player/Spouse Random Interactions (most are repeatable):

Dominant Spouse wants to mark PC as their own. Can be repeated adding more tattoos to the body in new locations (slave tattoo mod tie in) ~Player can choose to obey and develop a submissive personality or say no and develop a dominant personality of her own Dominant spouse brings you to a random cave or fort ruin and says they want to explore it. ~PC can chose to obey and follow the spouse through the cave/ruin, or convince the spouse they the PC should be leading. Or convince the spouse that it is a bad idea and they should just go home. Dominant Spouse wants sex ~player can submit and have sex or tell the spouse they aren’t in the mood refuse this enough and the spouse might choose to rape PC. Spouse wants to put PC in her place and tells her to clean his boots/feet with her tongue ~PC can choose to obey or refuse Dominant Spouse wants PC to wear a gag, armbinder, chastity belt with or without plugs...etc (devious devices tie in) ~player can choose to wear the item until the spouse comes and takes it off or the player can tell the spouse they will never put something like that on willingly. Dominant Spouse brings PC to a town that they are Thane of and has her tell (x) amount of people that she is a slut/whore/slave etc... (if the PC is not thane in any city the destination will be random) ~Again player can choose to obey or tell spouse no to further develop their personality type Dominant Spouse Decides that they are not financially secure and decides to pimp out the PC in the closest city until (x) amount of gold is earned. ~again player can choose to obey or refuse After the PC has refused the spouse 10 times the Dominant Spouse Brings PC to solitude town square and puts her in a random Zaz cage, pillory, x-cross....etc for a few in game hours to try and break her will ~after the animation ends the player can choose if their will has been broken or not. If the player chooses to have their will broken they will only have the option to refuse the pimping interaction with a high speechcraft and will no longer be able to refuse the tattoo, thane humiliation, sex, and devious clothing interactions After the PC has obeyed 10 of the spouses commands, the Spouse will come to the player and demand that the PC becomes their slave. ~player must have at least 80 speechcraft to refuse, after all you have been cultivating this type of personality After the player becomes their spouses slave the spouse becomes their master/mistress/owner and will demand that the player gives them a certain amount of money every week (configurable in MCM) and will have no choice but to obey the wishes of their owner/master/mistress. If the player chose not to break to their spouses will in the town square punishment they can pretend that they gave in and lure the spouse out the wild and kill him/her freeing themselves of the marriage. After becoming slave, Spouse can decide to lead his slave through town by a leash (not visible) naked on her hands and knees showing off his property to the town folk. If the PC doesn’t come home with the amount of gold master/mistress/owner will tie PC to post and whip her. When arriving at home with spouse he will inform the player that he has setup a party for his friends and that the player would be expected to “entertain” them until the party is over (this includes sex, whipping, serving drinks, and erotic dancing)

Will post more details as I think of them. Any and all feedback and idea contribution is welcome

Request: add Corruption

Instead of only implementing sub/dom requests from follower, implement followers able to ask player to do things that corrupt, and make player evil. Npc can ask player to kill innocent farmer for example. That will make player character, in case he/she agrees, more evil and submissive in case it was a demand. If player gets too evil it can lead to some other consequences.

DD Integration would be really nice. What I would eventually like to see, or maybe make myself in some kind of add-on, is a "corruption" mechanic. A hidden variable that depends on time enslaved/punishments received/time spent at high arousal levels (possible with DD chastity belt and SL Aroused) that makes it proportionally less likely for the "aggressive" dialogue option to appear. The PC would need to try to escape as quickly as possible while attracting as little attention as possible to avoid being corrupted/brainwashed by their owner. At a certain level it could even take away the option to join, so that the character's only chance of escape would be the planned random "rescuer" events.

I currently sort of RP that scenario by running Defeat, SD+, and Aroused. I start the game with Aroused's Exposure and Time Rate stats set to 0, and a very small threshold/on hit chance for defeat. If something happens to make Arousal start to go up, I proportionally increase the on hit chance or threshold for Defeat, to represent the gradual sex addiction of the PC. Then I sort of adhoc my character's behavior when enslaved in a way which approximates the effect that would be had by a mod like the one I described above. The only way for the PC to return to his/her normal self is to complete some quest for a Daedra/Sithis/ other evil act. It's a really neat way to play a morally conflicted paladin type character.

Anyway, automating that sort of procedure would be my suggestion for a far-from-now update. And if it's outside the scope of the mod I might try to write and release my own.

Slavery ideas

If you break down the elements of the game, it would need or want a lot of these things in a Skyrim mod:

a follower or NPC who is the slave or student to be trained Should start out unwilling to do much, the challenge is to achieve the training despite this (whipping him into submission isn't necessarily an option) Training is not just sex, but a wide spectrum of abilities, possibly as specified by the client who supplied the slave. Final training goal in Skyrim could be anything from a courtier, geisha-type, to an accomplished maid, to a pony-slave, slut or whore, or even specialties like 'shield-maiden' body-guard, spy, assassin, travelling companion, gladiator, master-thief, temple prostitute, etc. So besides sex-acts, magic, fighting, cooking, cleaning, waiting, bar-tending, general education, courtly etiquette, dancing, fitness/stamina, religion, morality, slutiness, spying, etc, could all be taught. focusing on the wrong teaching for a specific goal would result in a low score and low monetary reward, and slow progress to the ultimate goal. Ultimate goal would be something like achieving a grandmaster rank as a trainer, obtaining the ultimate slave-training palace, be recognized by nobility for your services, achieving some goal of your chosen background, etc. optionally, a follower or NPC who is an assistant trainer permits PC to assign training tasks so that she can go out and advance her own character, or just go shopping. adds training skills that the PC may not yet have obtained, for an extra cost. optionally, a client NPC provides the goal for a given slave's training. might be the evaluating agent for determining the trainer's final score. source of the reward for completion of training. optionally, a slave market where additional slaves might be bought, used for following purposes: Unique ability used in assisting the training of the main slave: High pre-existing stat in some ability helps train main slave faster Other special skills, such as persuasiveness, or medical knowledge, might assist training. Need more than one trainer. For example, if: one of the stats to be trained is related to multiple sex partners one of the stats to be trained involves a gender different from trainer one of the stats to be trained involves a skill or ability the trainer does not possess. to train up for resale on the market, or personal use (romantic interest, personal body-guard, slave-trainer, prostitute, madame, assassin, etc.) Re-sale of slave on the market would also be evaluated like normal for achievements, scoring, trainer ranking, etc. tracking and display of stats or progress on the slave's training. evaluation of outcome of the training, determining achievements, score, monetary reward, trainer ranking, etc. possible bad or failed ending, which are exceptional events: slave rejected by client due to poor or mis-training, pregnancy, disease, physical changes, addiction. Drug-addict ending Death of slave from disease, or for some reason demonic possession or transformation failure of some unique slave NPC story-line. Possible good endings, which are exceptional events (above and beyond simply succeeding in the training with a good score): Noble recognition, paying double to buy slave from client Angelic transformation or acceptance by a god or goddess. PC-slave romantic connection "Love" ending, if PC trainer fosters and accepts love from the slave. success of some unique slave NPC story-line. possible random events during training slave or trainer pregnancy or disease banditry or other attacks (including rape and/or theft) encounters with nobility, clerics, or prostitutes, drug-pushers, angels, demons, or others that could give bonuses to stats, or divert the training or outcome. contests of beauty, refinement, dancing, sexual abilities, maid abilities, etc. client evaluations of slave's progress with rewards based on proper training, and a verbal evaluation that guides future training focus evaluation of slave's morality and sexual prowess by the temple priestess for suitability as a temple prostitute. possible unique story-line to each slave, possibly related to past-history of the slave. Examples: Slave claims to be daughter of nobility, option to restore her place on the throne. Or not. Ex-demon hunter, now sought after by a demon who wants to own and torture or convert her. Save her. Or not. Ex-thief, who is being trained for the man she tried to steal from. But she knows a secret about him, and what he hides in his vault. the 'Slave Maker' mod itself might be more of a framework for which others could create NPCs to be added to the mod's list of slaves available from clients or slaves available at the slave market. optional background and stats that the PC chooses from or which she already possesses in-game, which affect starting stats of the PC. History: Ex-gladiator, daughter of nobility, ex-prostitute, etc. might all give advantages and disadvantages to starting stats of PC trainer. Skyrim stats: race-based stats, magic or fighting skill level, perks, etc. might all give advantages and disadvantages to starting stats of PC trainer. optional NPC trainers to which the PC goes to build up personal training stats. Can't teach a slave fellatio at all until a trainer has gained personal skill in it. Though I personally would have no problem having my PC learn this from an NPC, this would be one reason a male player might want a training assistant. In fact, I'd love a side-quest or option where the PC becomes the slave to an NPC who trains up the PC, raising the trainer stats on the PC so that her subsequent job as a trainer is easier. The PC might have to buy her freedom, or earn it somehow... would also train your trainer-assistants at these NPCs These NPCs might be your competitors in slave training, with their own slaves in training. If your slaves win at the contest events, then these NPCs gain greater respect for you. Some might come to you for training themselves or asking you to help them with their slaves. Rather than a slave market, perhaps these slave-trainer NPCs are also the owners and sellers of slave-followers to the PC optional NPCs with which the player and/or slave interact in side-stories, events, or for mod-related items, abilities, stats, etc. optional side jobs for the PC training other slave-trainer NPCs or their slaves. side-quests for advancing trainer stats or status as a trainer. prostituting yourself or slave or having your main slave work in one of the areas of his expertise (waitress, maid, body-guard, prostitute, etc.) earns the PC gold, and can provide on-the-job training stat-increases for the slave. working as one of your specialies for gold: gladiator, cheap prostitute, dancer, geisha, waitress, personal maid, etc. already lots of ways to get gold in Skyrim, so for the monetary aspect of the game to make a lot of sense, it would either have to be scrapped, downplayed, or the mod might have to have and track a unique currency. Aspects of the money are that the PC can buy things that affect the slave's energy/stamina, lust, happiness, refinement, and other stats (potions, drugs, books, training aids of all sorts, clothing, jewelry, and other items which give stat boosts, gifts, etc.) The PC also purchases other slaves to assist in training, upgrades to better housing, etc. which all help in the game. Since money was a big element of gameplay, and the speed of getting money is a huge driver for how well and how quickly a slave can be trained working against a clock, it is hard to have a meaningful scoring and 'game' mechanic without a unique currency. Original main game mechanic is working against time-limits to produce the best-trained slaves possible (for the stated goal of the client), advancing personal renown. Possibly, the story line is you are sold as a slave, undergo slave training in random areas or areas of your choice, are trained to train other slaves, and you have to complete the successful training of some number of other slaves to regain your freedom, though during this process, you are largely free to play Skyrim as you see fit. You'll just be forced to kill your master if you don't finish the quest to your master's satisfaction. The mod could still work as a source of quests, unique follower NPCs, and sandbox gameplay, even without currency. The mod goal could simply be to hit certain achievements: Ten slaves trained minimum, slave selling for more than 20K gold, recognition of nobility, accept the love of a slave, helping a slave achieve her personal quest, etc. and then the mod is 'won', you are announced as a Master slave trainer, given your freedom, or whatever. Sandbox play could still continue, especially if modders make additional slave NPCs for it.

I guess if you were to make the simplest mod for an initial beta release, you could obviously make use of the existing frameworks from this site, and start with merely one client NPC, and a main slave NPC. The client would be a broker for the real owner of the slave NPC, who is not necessarily ever named or met. The broker NPC might be able to provide much of the above features of the mod to save work and complexity, initially. Much of the above wouldn't necessarily be by way of NPC interaction for events and such, but with script announcements. Then it could be expanded if there is interest.

Sorry, I only had a plan to write the last paragraph above. The rest of it just came out as I thought about it a little bit more, trying to imagine what the simplest version of the mod would be like.


-Add a very small chance to get reported to the guards. This would simply mean a small bounty of 10-50 gold. -Add a small chance they give you a food or drink item instead of money.


I always like corrupt guards, and they haven't gotten too much attention by mods so far afaik. Life as a guard in a Skyrim ancient/medieval like environment should be pretty harsh, and boring at the same time. So many of them shouldn't be much better than the bandits they shall guard the city from and abuse their power by forcing people to bribe them.

I suggest that they randomly approach you, unless you are a thane of the city, and have the following options:

-If wearing a sleazy outfit or naked (checked via sexlab arousal for example) they stop you assuming you are a prostitute. They say something like prostitutes have to pay for a prostitution license, demanding ~50-100 gold. You have the following dialogue options then:

  • "Ok, i pay, you cutthroat"

  • "I don't have the money" Guard replies: "Ok, then pay in kind. You have a nice body, show me if you're a good whore". You can accept then, resulting in a random sex scene, or refuse, then the Guard says something nasty and reports you, resulting in a 100-200 gold bounty.

-Intimation check, refuse to pay. If the check succeeds nothing happens, if it fails the guard rapes you, says something very filthy afterwards and gives you a 200-300 gold bounty.

-If clothed normally they might approach you with some random made up story, demanding an obscure tax, like the guards when you enter Rifton the first time. You can either pay then, suggest to pay with sex or try to intimidate them. So it would be the same like above, just the starting line would be different.


"Flirt" option, the purpose is to get invited, thus getting a free meal/drinks.

Possible results:

-NPC accepts, you get a free meal/drink.

-NPC accepts, but disappears quickly, letting you pay.

-NPC accepts, afterwards wants sex. Then the NPC either gives you a small tip or asks for payment. If you refuse, report to guards, bounty of 50-100 gold.

-NPC accepts, you both drink a lot, blackout, then Sanguine beams you to him in his dreamworld, mocking you a bit, laughing at your poor drinking abilities.

Skooma addiction:

Maybe you could make a simple needs plugin. Each time you drink Skooma you have a small percent chance to get addicted. You have to drink a bottle of Skooma like every 3 days. If you fail to do so and are not enslaved currently, you get withdrawal symptoms, resulting in a blackout. Then you wake up somewhere in Skyrim randomly, having lost the addiction, but also random amounts of equipment and remember nothing.

Alternatively Sanguine could beam you to his dreamworld, cure you, but also punish you in some way, like randomly sending you back to Skyrim bound, grumbling something about his disappointment that the dragonborn became a dumb skoomawhore.

Alcohol addiction:

RND adds many nice alcoholic drinks and a drunkeness gauge. Maybe you could alter RND.

Inebriation has 5 stages:With visual and stumbling effects.Sober- I'm sober. (no bonus or negative effect) Dizzy - Good stuff, just a bit dizzy. Unarmed Damage +5, Damage Resist +10. Drunk - My head is spinning. Unarmed Damage +10, Speech -15, Magicka regeneration -15, Spells 50% less effective, duration -50%. Wasted - I'm completely wasted...MagickaandStamina regeneration -25,Spells85% less effective, duration -85%.Blackout-Knocks you out right on the spot, only to wake up 4 hours later head spinning. From the RND page at nexus. If you are an alcoholic you get stat boosts and normal vision instead as long as you are not sober. If you are sober you get severe penalties instead, cumulating the longer you are without alcohol.

This would add another immersive way to play a whore/beggar style character, because the alcohol is expensive, thus leading to a much higher daily upkeep. Furthermore the random rape chance from NPCs could be higher while you are drunk.

  • Vigilants wrath

Some mods add more traveling Vigilants of Stendar, for example the populated series. So they are not that uncommon anymore :).

They should do something mean to you once you are Sanguines plaything, after all you are under daedric influence then. If you can somehow make a check for the environment where you meet them if you meet them in the wilds they should immediately attack you and try to enslave you, then walk you to the hall of the vigilants, if you meet them in a town it could get a bit nasty and mess things up if they attack you there then. Not sure what should happen then.

Maybe as a long term goal you could modify the hall of vigilants a bit then so they do something more special to you there than in normal enslavements. The focus could be more on exorcism through torture then.

-Travelling dibella sisters

Not sure what should happen if you meet traveling dibella sisters when you are already quite corrupted by Sanguine, but they should do something special then too. Maybe send bounty hunters after you, who march you to the dibella temple when you are enslaved, where the sisters try to cure you from Sanguine with dibellan arts.

Very longterm goal could be to add a Dibella plane and Dibella, who also saves you from death like Sanguine, so that you can chose your favorite sex god then. Depending who is your god then, Sanguine or Dibella, you have either more troubles with the authorities or villains then during your travels through Skyrim, and the worshippers of the opposing god try to enslave or abduct you and somehow bring them to their side.

Another thing which I believe would fit in with alot of these ideas which people are bringing up (vigilants and diabellan sisterhood) is...why not use the skooma dealers? We got the redwater skooma place near riften, would be sort of neat if (for the thug quest ....or even if they put in some addiction system) to have you marched off to a skooma den...after all surely a skooma den would have enough money to buy and or sell slaves. (Or even some rich nobles ..or perhaps a Jarl)

You could be used for entainment, or to make skooma or hell, even both! Eventually you could be sold off to a khajeet caravan and marched around skyrim, till you are again sold, or you earn your freedom (or just flat out escape)

(1) Perhaps even change the way the owners treat you (pending on their wealth and personality) For example: Some owners may want to see the character dressed real nice (Think consort), instead of in rags - so they will give you something like this http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/7327/? to wear. (Or hell tons of lingerie mods out there, take your pick!!) (2) Others would keep you in rags because they want you to do menial work. (3) Even still others are just real sadists and want to abuse you so they would use the devious devices for the character for clothes.

All sorts of room to grow here, just throwing some grist for the mill.

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  • Ideas for no death alternative

  • Piercings for Sanguine chosen

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