Full change log (Dialogues) - SkyrimLL/SDPlus GitHub Wiki

Version 3.2 - 2018-12-20

  • Added: Disable dialogues topics about standing, kneeling and crawling

  • Added: Make Master? dialogue conditional on kneeling or crawling

  • Added: Player must now kneel or crawl before begging from their owner

  • Added: Add a 'Cancel' option to the Fetch/Whine... and Submit/Resist dialogues

  • Added: Update master hello dialogues to trigger some tasks if slots available

  • Added: Add topic option for voluntary punishments

  • Added: More granular options for ‘how may I entertain you’

  • Added: ‘how may I serve you’ / ‘stay close’ should be for master only

  • Added: Allow may I dance and sex at level 1

  • Fixed: Check 'pc can be shaved' setting

  • Fixed: Prevent sleep in torture furniture if punishments are disabled (creatures masters)

Version 3.1 - 2018-02-10

  • Added: Make state of debug options persist in MCM menu

  • Added: MCM option to grant player a spellbook for debug spell

  • Added: Scan of factions to debug spell

  • Added: Disable instant follower dialogue if NPC is already a follower

  • Fixed: Dialogues to stop instant followers do not display properly

  • Fixed: Instant Follower can't be dismissed

  • Fixed: Dialogue with follower lost during enslavement

Version 3.0 - 2017-12-22

  • Added: Add speechcraft based dialogues to sex (romance and payment)

  • Added: Add small chance master/NPC will have food/drinks when asked 'Please'

  • Fixed: Disable creature menu if master is dead

  • Fixed: Compatibility issues with Devious Devices 4.0

Version 2.9 - 2017-06-04

  • Added: Add mod event and storageUtil variables to control probability sliders for begging, attacks and comments

  • Added: Extend cooldown of Hello attacks

  • Added: Remove 'drunk' aspect from Dialogues - defer to SL Drunk Compatibility

  • Added: Create spell+book for debug spell with another actor

  • Fixed: Slight conflict between SLDialogues and USleep

  • Fixed: Dialogues for creature masters is often frozen (displayed but not clickable)

Version 2.8 - 2017-03-19

  • Added: Master services cost allowance points (food, drink, heal)
  • Added: Hungry/Thirsty/Hurt should only open master inventory filtered accorndingly
  • Added: Make sure clothing is equiped after 'I am cold'
  • Added: Add high priority safety dialogue to allow removal of gag from followers

Version 2.7 - 2016-11-15

  • New: Add check for enslavement and distance to master before NPC assault player slave
  • New: Improve conditions to detect Silent Moon weapons in quest with Eorlund
  • New: Disable temp 'follow me' dialogue if NPC already a follower
  • New: Follow dialogue should be easier for higher relationship ranks

-Fixed: Fix quest condition issues with Eorlund Dialogue if player is already companion

Version 2.6 - 2016-09-04

  • Added: Add random safe option for drinks from creature master

  • Added: Change 'help me, please' to something more explicit

  • Fixed: Enslavement attempts from beasts show two popup messages back to back

Version 2.5 - 2016-08-14

  • Added: Make sure Dialogues detects master status of creature Dialogues enhancement

  • Added: Higher chance of abuse if Hello while crawling Dialogues enhancement

  • Added: Check for player health for 'master, I am hurt' Dialogues enhancement

  • Fixed: Issue with shaved hair in SD when hormones is not installed bug Dialogues

  • Fixed: Random attacks continue even when sliders set to 0 in menu bug Dialogues

Version 2.4 - 2016-07-15

  • Added: Add better control of frequency of beast attempts at enslavement/attacks
  • Added: Improve Dialogues for beast as master
  • Added: Allow random attacks from chaurus, spiders and falmers when player is friendly
  • Added: Add dialogues start points for new beast race masters from SD+

Version 2.3.1 - 2016-04-03

  • Added: option to ask friendly NPC to follow and help (temporary follower)
  • Added: MCM option to register custom races for sex and dialogues

Version 2.3 - 2016-02-07

  • Added: Updateed PCSub dialogue actions for new SD API mod events

  • Added: Improved quest objectives for Orc crafting / Blood kin stage

  • Added: option to submit to former master without a collar

  • Added: alternate solution for Warrior Stone in Blackmisth quest

  • Added: Make sure NPCs already engaged in animations are excluded from SexLab 'hello' comments

  • Fixed: Dushnik Yal blackmith

  • Fixed: Added backup solution if gauntlets are found and blood kin perk is not available.

  • Fixed: Impossible to complete blacksmith tutorial (missing helmet)

Version 2.2 - 2015-12-01

  • Added - Use new mod events for slave rags from SD+
  • Fixed - 'Bend over pet' - make sure SL is not playing

Version 2.1 - 2015-10-10

  • Added: Submit/Resist menu for forced enslavement by former (friendly) master

  • Added:Make sure there is a sleep topic for PC Sub with creatures

  • Added:Check for compatibility with SexLab 1.60+ Compatibility

  • Added:Link random answers (skooma, beatings) to low disposition in PCsub dialogues

  • Added:mod event for Rob Player in Dialogues

  • Added:Slavery level 6 - add topic when dressed and not

  • Fixed: Broken stage - Bring an Orcish War Axe and Mace to the forge.

  • Fixed: Broken Begging dialogue forNPC with high morality

  • Fixed: Check if begging for food actually provides items

  • Fixed: Verify if Puppet Master Charm is cast after 10 successful attacks

  • Fixed: 'Pretty please...' fix begging dialogues for level 6

  • Fixed: Clear objective "give 15 bones to Eorland" when completed

  • Fixed: Fix quests stage issues with Blackmsith quest (15 bones)

  • Fixed: Is SexLab Dialogues really blocking some quests?

Version 2.0 - 2015-06-13

  • Added: option to disable taunts (console only for now)
  • Added: support for Bimbo curse from Hormones
  • Added: global variable as parameter for chances of success when begging
  • Added: Extend begging to other items

Version 1.9a - 2015-05-04

  • Added: Tanning racks now include torch recipes from bloody rags or linen piles or sack cloth

  • Fixed: Reduce frequency of some comments while wearing a collar

Version 1.9 - 2015-04-18

  • Added: Solution to the death of key master smiths in Blacksmith quest :: Talk to any blacksmith about your skills. If you produce enough weapons and armors, they will send you to the next available master.

  • Added option to disable Dialogues completely :: Console variable only for now ( use 'set _SLD_ControllerDialogueON to 0' in the console to disable )

  • Fixed: Added player to proper lock lists as guest to selected blacksmith homes :: This is to prevent the 'You need to leave' warning

  • Fixed: Quest stage issues in Blacksmith quest :: Firewood and ore with Alvor :: Dwemer and orc weapons with Ghorza gra-Bagol :: Disable tutorial from Alvor if already started from Adrienna (and vice versa) :: Many fixes with Eorlund :: Issue with Eorlund and Ghostblade dialogues

Version 1.8 - 2015-03-05

  • Added: MCM menu

  • Added: dialogues for PC as slave of a creature

  • Fixed: Improved flow from defiant to submissive and back :: Use 'Resist' a lot to reduce your submissiveness and bring back taunts and insults if you lost them from being too submissive.

  • Fixed: Made hair style invisible for shaved head (PC as slaved) :: Should work better for beast races

  • Fixed: Turned 'Rest anywhere' into a spell to allow casting more than once a day

Version 1.7 - 2015-02-21

  • Added: German version (thanks CGi)

  • Fixed: Missing nord weapons in early stages of the blacksmith quest Version 1.6b - 2015-02-18

  • Added: Basic mechanics to change relationship based on sexual activity (from consensual to PC as master or PC as slave). :: Progression is very basic for now, limited to number of sexual encounters only :: Rapes count toward pushing a relationship to master or slave :: Consensual sex improves relationship toward a follower and marrigeable status

  • Added: Side quest to become a Blacksmith (from apprentice to journeyman, expert and master) :: Guide progression toward mastery of Blacksmith :: Access to a place to sleep and store items at each blacksmith trainer :: Recipes to craft iron and leather chains (Zaz Animation Pack only)

  • Fixed: Small bug to Adrianne Avenicci dialogue in the Blacksmith quest

  • Fixed: Global variable to limit 'NPC rob' to gold only (console: help PCSubEnableRobbery )

  • Fixed: Various typos and small tweaks to skooma vs food/drinks balance

Version 1.5 - 2015-01-26

  • Added: chance that owners and their friends will help themselves at the slave's inventory and gold :: In other words, as a slave, NPCs may try to casually steal things from your inventory :: There is a Submit/Resist menu to give you a chance to allow the steal or not :: I tried to prevent Quest items to be stolen but there is a chance that will happen at times. You will gave to steal them back or use the console if they are lost... so be warned.

  • Added: Beg for Skooma as a slave

  • Fixed: Several typos and dialogue tweaks

  • Fixed: Owner can sleep on bed marker before sleep sequence is over

Version 1.4 - 2015-01-17

  • Added: Dialogue topics to ask to be allowed to work for and protect your owner :: free your hands at slavery level 3 and master trust >0 :: use weapons at slavery level 4 andmaster's trust >=5

  • Added Modevent to force refresh of the dialogue tree for a given NPC from another mod.

  • Fixed: Missing filters for Hello comments (only for humanoid NPCs)

  • Fixed: Replaced desaturation image effect by blue glow effect when sleeping anywhere (may require a clean save to make that work).

Version 1.3 - 2015-01-10

  • Added: Chance Master will shave the slaves head (as an alternative to Race menu).

  • Added: Chance last Master will re-enslave player if 'caught' after escape

  • Added: Tanning recipe for creating beggar clothes :: Recipe uses new item ('sack cloth piece') - make them from linen wraps

  • Added: More NPC comments about player when enslaved

  • Added: First shot at special slavery level 6 dialogues (total submissive slut)

  • Added: Spell version of 'Rest anywhere' effect

  • Fixed: Removed '[More dialogues]' from talking activators (like statue of Mara from LAL)

  • Fixed: 'Feisty' or 'Submissive' replies are based on new Dominance value :: Dominance is calculated based on answers to 'submit' or 'resist' menu :: Only for levels 1 to 5. Level 6 is totally submissive and has no plea or taunt dialogues.

Version 1.2 - 2014-12-28

  • Added: Awareness of default stance, leash, owner following slave.

  • Added: Tweaks to slavery dialogues

Version 1.1 - 2014-12-22

  • Fixed: Remove gold from 'May I entertain you?' with the Master

  • Fixed: Faction NPCs no longer grab slave

  • Fixed: gift menu for master

  • Fixed: always show topic to ask for food :: two answers at random :: one gives food and one says 'not now, try again later'

  • Added: PC slave topic to ask to stand and entertain your master

  • Added: check family relationship and display Hi mom, Hi dad, Hi sis, etc...

  • Added: gagged versions of insults, plea

  • Added: variations of 'slut' comment based on level

  • Minor fixes to PC slave dialogues

  • Add message to press Jump to interrupt sleep anywhere

  • Hide gift menu when talking to master

Version 1.0 - 2014-12-09

  • Reorganized dialogue structure
  • Improved internal tracking of NPCs

Version 0.1 - 2014-11-28

  • Added: Beg and Gift options
  • Added: Dialogue tree - slavery level 1