ENSLAVEMENT - SkyrimLL/SDPlus GitHub Wiki

Meet Your New Master

Your Owner has needs. They will eat, sleep and go about their business. Of course, they have more carnal needs as well.

The Master will have needs that have to be satisfied daily (gold, sex, food by default, and later, custom needs depending on certain factions, such as firewood, ore for Master at a mine or mill, blood for vampires, etc.).

The master also has a mood - angry and happy - and a trust level.

Think of it as a lockpicking-like system with certain needs that the player will have to guess about the master. Every day, the master will need x number of sex acts, y number of food items and z number of gold. The player's performance will be evaluated daily against these goals. The game is to guess which are the right numbers.

  • If the player falls short, the master will be angrier, impose more and more constraints and eventually, get rid of the player.
  • If the player exceeds expectations, the master will be happy, grant more and more privileges and eventually, never let the player go.
  • If the player hits the target, the master will eventually offer certain choices such as joining their cause, do a certain task in exchange of freedom (radiant quest) or just leave.

Since this is about Sanguine Debauchery, there will be a gradual exposure system that someone suggested. At low levels of exposure to slavery, the player's actions and options will be more angry against their master. As exposure grows, options will become more and more submissive, until they are left with being unable to say no and offering themselves.

On top of this, SD is also tracking exposure to slavery with a slavery level. This will influence the dialogue options available to the player. At low exposure, rebellious options will be available. At high exposure, only submissive or even slutty options will be available. Exposure will be calculated based on the amount of sex and punishments earned during enslavement.

It will be up to the player to spend some time away from slavery to let exposure cool down and become rebellious again at the next enslavement.

The idea being that the more enslaved you get without 'rest' periods in between, the more accepting you become of your fate.

Master Personality Type The values for the master personality profiles are as follows. For each profile, you will receive a bonus to the master's disposition if you complete the corresponding action.

  • 0 - Simple profile. No additional constraints
  • 1 - Comfortable - Must complete or exceed food goal
  • 2 - Horny - Must complete or exceed sex goal
  • 3 - Sadistic - Must complete or exceed punishment goals
  • 4 - Gambler - Must complete or exceed gold goals.
  • 5 - Caring - Seeks full compliance for one goal at least
  • 6 - Perfectionist - Seeks full compliance for all goals

You master will have a behavior based on their faction and personality type:

  • If your master is indoors, stays put with idles, eat, sleep schedule
  • If master is outside, walks you to a slaver destination based on personality type

Your master is added automatically to a bandit friendly faction by default to avoid fights upon arrival. Each location includes a bed useable by the player.

Special cases (these will take priority over personality type),

  • Imperial - march to Solitude Barracks
  • Stormcloak - march to Windhelm Barracks
  • Thalmor - march to Thalmor embassy
  • Vampire - march Bloodlet Throne
  • Silver Hand - march to Gallow Rock
  • Forsworn - march to Hag Rock Redoubt
  • Falmer - march to Darwater Pass

Personality types

  • 0 - Simple profile. March to Faldar's Tooth.
  • 1 - Comfortable - March to Redoran's Retreat
  • 2 - Horny - March to Swindler's Den
  • 3 - Sadistic - March to Cragslane Cavern
  • 4 - Gambler - March to Broken Oar Grotto
  • 5 - Caring - March to Robber's Gorge
  • 6 - Perfectionist - March to Bilegulch Mine

Slavery levels

SD+ 3.0 introduces a progression through slavery levels.

  • Level 1 is mostly about sex and punishment.
  • Level 2 adds food goal and level 3 adds gold goal - you can make your master happy with gold and food at any level, but your master will not get unhappy if you miss your targets of food and gold below level 2 and 3.
  • Level 4 is about reluctant acceptance of your role as a slave.
  • Level 5 is about being a veteran slave and full acceptance of your role.
  • Level 6 will be the optional sex toy/pain slut mode and is not implemented yet :)

Past level 4, all four goals will be expected of you.

Level 5 and 6 will be similar to 4 in terms of options. Only the dialogues will change to reflect the evolving relationship between the slave and master.

Mind Your Attitude

You have the option to be angry and rebellious or submissive and obedient. Your attitude carries consequences, both positive and negative.

Short story:

  • Give your master plenty of sex and cause a few punishments
  • Bring your master some food and gold, but after slevery level 2
  • Ask 'why me..' a couple of times a day to accelerate the process but only if you gave your master some sex and caused some punsihments
  • Ask 'What do you want' several times a day. That will unlock some privileges when your master is happy with you.
  • Listen to your master's comments. They are hints about their personality and needs.

Long story, progression through slavery is controlled by multiple factors:

  • Slavery level controls what you are allowed to do. At level 1, you are just a fresh slave and you are used only for sex, with no privileges. Each level unlocks more privileges when your master is happy and trusting (like standing or having your hands free). At level 6, you are a pure sex starved slave with full access to privileges.

  • Slavery exposure counts how many times you have been abused or punished during slavery. After enough exposure, you progress to the next slavery level. There is a cooldown effect - for each day of freedom, your exposure is reduced a little bit. After enough days of freedom, your slavery level with start at level 1 at the next enslavement. You can also set your min and max slavery level in SD menu, regardless of your exposure.

  • Master needs: every day, your master needs a certain number of sex, punishments, food and valuables in order to be happy. Listen to his or her comments, they are linked to their needs. At the end of the day, your master will evaluate how well you did. If you fell short and did not meet a goal, his or her trust and disposition will be reduced. For each goal you met, his or her disposition and trust will be increased. Note that at slavery level 1, only sex and punsihment count. At level 2, food goal is included if it is met, but will not hurt you if you missed it. At level 3, 'gold' goal will be counted as well.

  • Master personality profile. Your master comes with a randomly assigned personality, from caring to sadistic. Each profile adds a condition for a bonus of trust and disposition. For example: Some masters will give you a bonus if at least one goal is met. Some master will want to see all 4 goals met every day. Some masters will give you a bonus if they got to punish you. Here too, listen to their comments - masters will tell you something about their personality.

  • Master Disposition. This is how happy your master is with you. It goes from +10 (very happy) to -10 (very unhappy). The value is used to grant you access to certain privileges like being unleashed or standing. You can temporarily change your master's disposition by giving them gifts, being submissive (plea or 'may I..') or being fiesty (insults).

  • Master Trust. This is how confident your master is that you will not try to escape or kill them. Trust grants you access to more perks, like getting your hands free or holding a weapon for your master. Depending on how well you did at the end of the day, you will be granted trust points. These will be compared to your master's trust needs. If the difference is negative, your master does not trust you. If it is positive, the difference becomes a slavery allowance (formerly defined as 'trust pool'... ).

  • Allowance is a number of points used to get away with certain actions, like going outside when your master has you on a leash. Each infraction reduces your trust pool for the day. When the trust pool becomes negative, infractions will be met with whipping and punishments. The trust pool is recalculated at the end of each day based on your actions.

The allowance system has evolved over time, so there is still a chance of things not quite working as intended, but it should be working like this:

  1. the allowance number is the number of hours you can go about without being punished from changing cells (going outside or inside without your master nearby)
  2. if allowance is positive, you can change cells without being punished
  3. if allowance is negative, you need to do things for your master to increase the amount back to a positive balance
  4. every hour you spend without doing anything for your master costs you one allowance point
  5. you can earn points by giving your owner items you found and by reaching a daily goal of needs for your master (food, gold, sex and punishments). Daily goals are unique to each master and only disclosed through comments from your master, so you will have to guess if they prefer gold, sex or punishments.
  6. you can also earn points by having sex with him (submit option), but only while your balance is negative.

(As of 2017/03/13) I am working on a daily task system to earn more points if you complete a task given from your master each day but it will take a few more weeks to get that system to work (I have been delayed by the random issues I have just fixed).

  • Slave defiance. This is a value between +10 and -10, based on your answers to the Submit/Resist menus. It measures how compliant or defiant you are to NPCs actions against you. When you are very submissive, some insults are disabled and your end game options are only about joining your master's faction or walking free as a slave. If you are defiant, your end game options are only about being banished by your master.

  • Overall disposition. An average value of your master's disposition over time. This is used to measure how happy your master is with you overall. After a number of days (customizable in the menu), your master will allow you to join (if overall disposition is higher than a threshold set in the menu as well). If the overall disposition is lower than that threshold, your master will sell you or dump you at the first occasion.

  • 'Why me..' topic. These values are recalculated at midnight every day by default. If you feel you are ready to be 'jedged' by your master, you can accelerte the process by asking 'why me'... that will force the values to be recalculated on demand. A word of warning - if you ask 'why me' too quickly (without accomplishing any goal), your master's trust and disposition will decrease.


Some of your items will be taken away by your owner. If you want these items back, you'll have to find a way to take them back. The rest of your inventory will be spirited away by Sanguine and kept for you in the Dreamworld. Not much fun for a playful Daedra if the Dragonborn has a full inventory to use the minute their freedom has been regained.

*Note that the Flowering Spriggan quest behaves differently, see the description in the Flowering Spriggan section for an explanation of inventory management in that quest.

Quest objects should be respected even when you uncheck 'Limited removal'.

Inventory works as follows:

  • when you get enslaved, your inventory goes to the locker in Sanguine's place
  • when your master is killed and you are standing nearby, your inventory is sent back to the corpse of your master. If someone killed your master and claimed you as a slave, the inventory is sent back to Sanguine.
  • if you graduate and join your master's faction, your inventory is sent to the master and a gif menu appears so you can pick what you want 'from your former life'.

The storage locker in Sanguine's Dreamworld is where your stuff goes by default.

If you are standing next to your master when he/she is killed, the content of that locker is sent to the corpse so you can loot it and retrieve your stuff.

If you are away from your master when he/she gets killed, the content of the locker remains in Dreamworld.

This is a safeguard against the possibility of a generic NPC master 'despawning' with all your stuff after you escape.

Note that this can still happen but it is more rare.

If you kill your owner and run away without checking their inventory, your stuff will be transfered to their corpse and may vanish with them if they despawn.

So bottom line - always check the corpse of your master after you kill him/her.


Shackles slow you down. An enchanted collar blocks your magic and shouts. Bindings keep your so-recently-deadly hands in check.


If you misbehave, your master will add gags, a butt plug and eventually blinders to punish you. Behave again to have them removed.

Invisible Fence

If your master has you in Leash mode, running away will strangle you. That mode is based on a distance, so running too far will teleport you back to your master with a beating waiting for you.

If your master trusts you enough to give you free rein, running away will be based on a timer. Waiting too long will activate random shocks that will hurt you until you actually escape, or you return to your master.

In leash mode, your collar will choke you until you pass out and wake up next to your owner. Depending on your trust level and other conditions, your master will teleport back to you when you wake up, or you will be teleported next to your master.

In roaming mode, your collar will shock you indefinitely until you:

  • slow down to a crawl
  • die
  • manage to find someone and ask them to disable the collar for you
  • go back to your master

You can earn the right to roaming by making your master happy (disposition >0 and trust >0) and asking him what he wants from you until he decides to take you off the leash.

Making your master unhappy will get you back on the leash.

The way the timed escape works is this:

  • When you are given free rein, you still have a safe area around your master.
  • When you exceed that area, your collar will alert you that the timer is going with small vibrations and panting effects
  • As the timer gets close to the end, vibrations become tingles and pants become moans
  • After the time is done, the tingles turn into random harmful shocks

At that point, the shocks will continue chipping away at your health randomly until your master dies (or is replaced by a new master) or you find someone to help you get away from your master (like a city guard).

This should give a better sense of timing and consequence to escaping your master.

The distance radius and timer duration will depend on the level of trust with your current master.

That will allow me to turn on and off the follower behavior of your master.There will be times when your master will stay in palce and will send you for some errands. The collar will ensure that you will return or suffer the consequences.

When you are enslaved, the master has you on a local leash anyway and will go about his/her own business without following you around. Soon, they will even check up on your once in a while and trigger some actions.

As you earn privileges, the master will allow you to go further and will follow you to check up on you, or send you on your way on a timed errand.

A side effect of the teleporting leash is that going out the door is now impossible. If you are locked up with your master at early stages, you will HAVE to earn their trust and gain privileges in order to leave that room.

Another side effect is that if your master has you on a short leash, wanders off and teleports back to where he started, you will be teleported to him. On the other hand, if you were on a timed run and he teleports, you will have to find them.

Rules for choking collar teleport

  • If both master and slave are outside or inside, master always teleports to slave
  • If one is inside and one outside, master teleports to slave if slave has no punishment. Slave teleports to master if punishments are equipped (collar and cuffs are restraints, not punishments).
  • There is a small chance master will teleport to slave when wearning punishments (if master is not paying attention or asleep when slave attempts to use a door)
  • Master always adds a punishment after collar choked the slave

In short, if you are not wearing a punishment, you have only one chance at deciding to go inside or outside

For Modders - I also added an option for future behaviors to center the chain to an object instead of the master,.. or another NPC. That will allow things like having the master following you during the day and attach you to their bed at night :)... or loaning you to someone else for a while.

Picking Up Items

You can pick items while you are a slave.

Your master will let you know what is allowed and what is not.

Ending Enslavement

There are several ways to end an enslavement.

Joining your master.

After a few days of submission and pleasing your master, you may be offered the option of swearing allegiance to your master's faction.

You should have the option to:

  • Refuse the offer: Just leave your master and your stuff behind (if slavery level <= 5)
  • Accept the offer to be released and join your master and faction (no collar) (if slavery level <= 5)
  • Accept the offer to be released without joining your master and faction (no collar)
  • Accept the offer and join your master and faction but remain the property of the faction (keep your collar) (if slavery level >= 2)
  • Decline the offer and continue your enslavement (if slavery level >= 2)

Some of these options may or may not be available depending on your slavery level.

If you choose to join your master's faction, this will cause that faction to treat you as friendly. Currently, these allegiances can only be undone via the console. A game mechanic is planned to allow to "un-join" any factions of your choice without the need for a console command. The console command "player.RemoveFromAllFactions" will clear your factions allegiances...but use it with caution. It will clear ALL factions, including the ones you want to belong to. If you don't belong to the Companions, the Legion, Thieves Guild, etc. (aka the regular quest related factions) you can use this command to ditch your master's faction. A seamless mechanic is being developed that will allow you to leave factions you've joined either at-will (by talking to the right person), or by causing slaver allegiance to expire after a certain amount of time. Stay tuned for updates.

Buy your freedom by providing your master with the right quantity of coin.

This option will be available to you if you master allows you the opportunity. (If you begin the Indentured Servant quest.) You'll have to earn this coin any way you can manage.


You can flee your master, or you can steal the key to your restraints. Your master will pursue you! It's not a simple issue of walking away. With Hardcore mode enabled, if you escape without stealing the key to your restraints, you'll need to find someone with access to tools in order to get the restraints removed. Punitive gear (Gags, blinders, & plugs) may be removed by anyone that is willing to help you. You can also add the option of killing your master by running SexLab Defeat alongside SD+.

To escape, you can:

You can get stuck with a bad situation or a boring master, but I hope I am providing enough options to have you figure a way out.

  • Die... if you have visited Dreamworld once, getting yourself killed is a sure way out to Dreamworld.
  • Get your master killed
  • Use the Surrender key and 'Pray to the gods'. You will have a small chance of a random event from DA such as a bandit or Companions showing up and an even smaller chance of Sanguine pulling you to him.
  • Steal the Master key of course
  • Find a nearby NPC and get them to help you or submit to them
  • Install mods like Dangerous nights and sleep for a chance of a random encounter

If you can be nice to your master and get their mood and trust up, you should be able to:

  • wander off with a timed collar (instead of distance based) and not come back. You will have to find an NPC and ask them to help you get away from your master before the shocks sent by the expired collar kills you.
  • ask your master to be allowed to hold a weapon and hit one of their friends (or any nearby NPC). That should trigger a fight and maybe, kill the master.


If you're absolutely unruly and refuse to behave according to your station, your master is likely to lose patience with you. Your master may leave you to rot in your bonds, or may end your life. In this case, after your first visit to the Dreamworld, Sanguine will draw you back to him and preserve you from such an unfortunate end.

Submit to a New Master

While your restraints are on you, you may ask people to take you as their slave. If their morality is low enough, they'll happily agree.

Scenes Depending on your interactions with them, your master may have sex with you, whip you (if you're free to walk), or force you to suffer punishment (when you are bound in place).

Other Actions At times, your master will also force feed you skooma or other mood-altering substances. He may also order you to change your appearance to better please him.

*Note. The change in your appearance requires a splash of role-play on your part. This event will bring up the RaceMenu. Making the changes to your appearance involuntary would be cool, but is terribly problematic from a game mechanics perspective. So when the RaceMenu comes up, alter your hair, war paint, dirt, etc as you see fit. For an extra dose of random, close your eyes and move any given slider to a random spot.

The short version here is that the appearance changes are up to you, and you master will be automatically pleased by the change.


Your Master Will Eventually Follow You

  • Indoors, you are free to roam as long as you are in the same space as your Master.
  • Outdoors, your Master will trail along nearby, and will punish you if you stray too far out of their presence.

Master interactions

You will have a chance to escape if your Master engages combat with someone. Stealing your Master's key is harder because of your bindings. Wait until they sleep to improve your odds of stealing the key.

The behavior of your master is being actively developed. Eventually, it will be possible to have your master attached to you as a full-fledged follower. You will be an Adventuring Slave. Your owner will have needs that you will be expected to attend to, and they will control your access to apparel, weapons, and the rest of your inventory.