As of version 3.5.3, Death Alternative is not required for SD+ to run.

DA is required if you want to trigger SD when:

  • you are killed by an enemy
  • you are killed by a trap
  • you are using Defeat

Without DA, you can still trigger SD when:

  • you submit manually using the Surrender key
  • greedy NPCs or friendly creatures can try to enslave you directly
  • you are sent to a slaver using Simple Slavery
  • you start with a SD+ scenario using Content Consumer Alternate Start (CCAS)

You don't need DA to go to Dreamworld on sleep.

Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life (DAYMOYL), now a prerequisite mod on which the new Sanguine's Debauchery is built, introduces a series of effects and interactions that serve as a true death alternative for the player. The following are descriptions of some key features to understand in the DAYMOYL mod.


When you reach a customizable level of health, DAYMOYL sends you into Bleedout State. At this point your character "takes a knee" and goes into a vulnerable state. A second (by default darker red) health bar appears above your regular health bar. If this bleedout bar is exhausted, you will black out.

IMG.PC in the Bleedout state

There are a few Bleedout settings to pay special attention to, as they will greatly impact the difficulty of your game. These settings are found under the "Trigger" heading in DAYMOYL's "Player Settings" Menu.

Perc. Health Threshold

This variable controls when you enter bleedout state. At 0%, your health will have to be completely exhausted before you collapse and enter bleedout. At 10% you will collapse and enter bleedout when your health drops to 10% of full (15 points, if your maximum health is 150). Scale this to alter how quickly you go down in combat.

Perc. Large Hit

This variable lets you retain an option to be instantly killed by an extremely powerful enemy. If you receive a hit that matches the damage set by this slider, you'll instantly die. For example, the default setting is 200%. If your max health is 100, and you receive a blow that deals 200 damage, regardless of where your actually health is at the moment you receive the blow, you'll die. The higher you set this value, the more unlikely it is that you'll be killed outright by a one-hit blow.

Critical Bleedout Delay

You'll probably want to leave this variable alone. Its default is 0.25 seconds. It's designed to allow a little time for the mod to determine if the damage you've just received comes from a hostile blow or from some other source.

Bleedout Damage Mult.

This is a major setting for determining your difficulty. When you enter bleedout, as mentioned above, a second health bar will appear above your main health bar. This bleedout bar contains as many hit points as your primary health. Using the bleedout damage multiplier, you can determine how difficult or easy it is for enemies to deplete this bleedout health. A value of 1.0x mean that each hit from an enemy will deal as much damage as it would deal to your normal health. 8 points=8 points.

At values lower than 1.0x (ie 0.5x) your bleedout health will decrease more slowly than your normal health would. 8 points=4 points. Setting the multiplier to less than 1.0x will make it easier for you to survive the vulnerable state and stand back up to continue fighting.

At values higher than 1.0x (ie 3.0x) your bleedout health will decrease more quickly than your normal health would. 8 points=24 points. Setting the multiplier to greater than 1.0x will make it harder for you to survive the vulnerable state and stand back up to continue fighting.

Bleedout Duration

Combined with the Bleedout Damage Multiplier, this is another major setting for determining your difficulty. This value determines how long you'll be incapacitated by the bleeout state before you're allowed to resume combat. If the value is set to 15 seconds, you'll be incapacitated and vulnerable to damage from your enemies for 15 seconds. During this time, all damage you take is applied to your bleedout health bar. If your bleedout health bar is exhausted during these 15 seconds, you'll blackout, and one of the blackout scenarios you've enabled in the MCM menu will trigger.

If your bleedout health bar isn't exhausted, you'll stand up and be able to resume combat or run away. If your health drops below the Percentage Health Threshold again (see above) you'll go down again and go back into bleedout, receiving damage that pushes you closer to blackout.

Be aware that your bleedout health doesn't recharge to full if you survive a bleedout duration. Therefore, if you survive one bleedout, only to be hit again and returned to bleedout, your enemies will start depleting your bleedout health again from the place it left off. This is why running the hell away may be the best option if you face a particularly powerful enemy. Every time you're sent into bleedout state, you're closer and closer to being defeated.

IMG.Some Practical Examples of Damage Multiplier and Duration Combinations

Assume for these examples that your Health Threshold is set to 20% and your Health is 100.

-Your Multiplier is 1.0x and your Duration is 10 seconds. Once your primary health hits 20 points, you'll stagger and go down. Your bleedout health bar appears above your primary bar. Your enemies continue to attack. They're low level enemies, and because your multiplier is 1.0x, they damage you at exactly the rate they damaged your normal health. In 10 seconds, they do 25 points of damage. Your 10 seconds are over. Your bleedout health is at 75. You stand back up, regain control, and continue the fight. While you were down in bleedout, your primary health regenerated slightly, but more slowly than normal (bleedout applies a 25% debuff to health regen that lasts for awhile--see Custom Settings below). You resume fighting with your primary health at 30 points. In a few seconds of fighting, your enemies score 12 points of damage on you. Since your health is now down to 18, you stagger and enter bleedout again. Now your enemies deal damage against your bleedout health again, which was left at 75 points from your first bleedout session. In these 10 seconds, your enemies deal 40 points of damage against your bleedout health. Now, when you stand up, your bleedout health is at 35 points and your primary health has regenerated to, say, 28 points. This cycle will continue until your enemies are dead, you run away from combat, or your bleedout health is reduced to 0. With only 35 points of bleedout health remaining after this second bleedout phase, you're risking the chance that, on the next bleedout, your enemies will deal enough damage to exhaust your bleedout health and defeat you.

--Your Multiplier is 1.0x and your Duration is 30 seconds. This is like the first example, except that once you enter bleedout, you'll stay down and vulnerable for 30 seconds instead of 10. Obviously your enemies will do much more damage in 30 seconds of incapacity than they could do in 10 seconds. With your settings thus, you're at risk of being defeated and blacking out if you enter bleedout even once in combat. You can see how this would necessarily change your approach to engaging in combat.

--Your Multiplier is 10.0x and your Duration is 30 seconds. In this example, you're essentially guaranteed to be defeated once you enter bleedout. Once you drop to 20 points of health and enter bleedout, your enemies have half a minute to deal 100 points of damage. At 10x regular damager, even an iron dagger with 4 points of regular damage would deal 120 points of damage in the space of 3 hits.

--Your Multiplier is 0.1x and your Duration is 5 seconds. Here, you're almost invulnerable to blackout. You'll only be vulnerable for 5 seconds before you spring back up and are ready to fight, and that same 4 point damage iron dagger from the last example will only deal 0.4 points of damage to your bleedout health with each hit. Strong enemies will have to pound on you for a long time to bring you to a blackout state.


When you black out, any of the death alternatives that you've selected in DAYMOYL's "OnBlackout Events Settings" will trigger, based on probabilities of occurrence that you may also customize.  SD adds its own events to this list of blackout triggers. With SD installed, you will find some options at the end of the list of blackout events. With these "SD" events selected, enslavement and the flowering Spriggan quests become possible outcomes of a blackout (of course depending on whether you're fighting an NPC that can enslave or fighting a Spriggan). You may awaken to find yourself stripped, bound, and without a coin or so much as an iron dagger to your name.

Custom Settings

You may have noticed a recurring theme in the last few paragraphs. The beauty of the DAYMOYL system is that almost everything can be set by the player to adjust difficulty and diversity to his or her liking. The blackout events can be mixed and matched to your liking. You may want to take a break from SD events, and only select DAYMOYL's alternatives. In addition to turning possibilities on and off at will, you can adjust the probability of any given event occurring over another. Enslavement can be rare or constant, depending on the selected blackout events and the weight you give to each event.

Each Blackout Event has its own adjustable probability of occurrence.

*Note- It's a good idea to leave at least some of the DAYMOYL default OnBlackoutEvents selected. If you de-select them all, you may find yourself in a weird, unending blackout if you're defeated by an enemy that can't enslave you (or isn't a Spriggan.) This odd outcome is triggered when you're defeated by an enemy that doesn't have an OnBlackout Event associated with it.

Radiant Events

DAYMOYL includes something it calls "radiant events", which have their own setting menu in the MCM. Radiant events are a sort of "Part II" of your Blackout event. If you blackout in combat, and your opponent throws you out of whatever dungeon you're in, there's a chance that you'll wake up at the door of the dungeon. If DAYMOYL was running without SD+, and if Radiant events weren't included, that's all that would ever happen. As it is, you have a whole range of events to toggle on and off, as well as customizable probabilities of each radiant event occurring. Thus, when you blackout, you may wake up outside the dungeon you were in (or simply left for dead at the side of the road), or you might wake up to the face of a friendly NPC, or even under the covers in the care of a sympathetic inkeeper.

Above, you can see the full range of radiant events, as well as the fact that you can bump their probability of occurrence up or down at will. Notice that SD includes the Dreamworld event, which has special conditions attached to it. Also, note that when Enslavement or Flowering Spriggan trigger as blackout events (as they're likely to do, given the appropriate pre-conditions and their high default probability of occurrence) radiant events are prevented from occurring. They don't make a whole lot of sense in those two cases.

The final adjustment you can make to the radiant events concerns the balance between friendly and unfriendly events. There are a number of friendly events, and the single "Random Brigand" unfriendly event. The top of the menu screen allows you to tweak these settings so that Random Brigands are an unknown thing in Skyrim, or so that Skyrim is lousy with those assholes. Or, of course, anything in between.

Post Bleedout Settings

Your vulnerability after you've been staggered and sent into bleedout mode in combat can be adjusted to your liking, too. In the "Player Settings" Menu for DAYMOYL, under the "Bleedout Recovery" heading, you can adjust the following: Your options for customizing your experience if you make it through combat that's triggered bleed out. Immunity Duration

In combat, if you survive the bleedout state, you stand back up and regain control of the PC. You're granted a brief stretch of invulnerability from damage to regain your wits. Adjust this value up or down depending on how rapid- fire and merciless you want that transition to be. Default is 3 seconds.

Calmed Duration This value gives you some breathing room if you've survived combat in which you entered bleedout state. Because your health regeneration and your bleedout health are reduced, you're going to be more vulnerable the next time you enter combat. For a span of time after you've entered bleedout (which you can adjust with this setting) enemies won't be hostile to you unless you attack them.

Blackout Time Lapse If you're defeated and black out, this setting lets you customize how much time you'll "lose" while unconscious. Bleedout Debuff Duration Your health with regenerate more slowly after you've been in bleedout state. This simulates the effect of bleeding. Debuff duration lets you adjust how much time elapses before you stop bleeding and begin regenerating health normally again.

Near Death Debuff Duration If you've survived combat where you've entered bleedout, you've "cheated death". After this, there's a period of time (adjusted with this setting) where you're able to die if you enter combat and take enough damage.

Some Recommendations for Avoiding Glitches:

  • For Sanguine's Debauchery to interact correctly with DAYMOYL, in your Death Alternative MCM Menu, make sure to set your "Animations" (Under Player Settings) away from anything that includes "Ragdoll". Ragdoll on bleedout causes problems with SD. By default, DAYMOYL is set to animate "Bleedout & Ragdoll". Take a second early on to change this setting to one of the non-ragdoll options.
  • In the DAYMOYL Player Settings menu, select "Essential Player" under the "Health" heading. This will prevent you from being killed by a freak hit in between bleedout and blackout.


The default 'Death' scenario from DAYMOYL simply ends your game and forces you to reload.

Once you have visited Sanguine's Dreamworld at least once, SD introduces a life-line that will send you back to Dreamworld in situations where DAYMOYL would simply end your game.


Check this thread if anyone has issues with Death Alternative: