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As discussed above, Sanguine's Daedric Artifact is a little dose of mischief given to you by your favorite playmate. It won't appear on your person or in your inventory when you're roving about in Skyrim, but rest assured, it's there. There are a few events that will reinforce its presence.

Naked Rape

As your visits to Sanguine's dreamworld increase, people in Skyrim will be more and more compelled by lust for you, and will randomly rape you as if you were naked, regardless of what you wear. Your unique allure seeps out from beneath your armor and clothes.

Hate Rape

Depending on what you're wearing, your race, the race of others around you, and others' disposition toward you, you may find yourself a victim of a malice driven sexual assault.

Overall, Sanguine's growing influence on you is a stain on your soul and a source of endless debauchery.