Basic Ybn Creation Tutorial - Sollumz/Sollumz GitHub Wiki

Let's say I've got this nice cottage modeled, but when I try to walk my GTA V character into the cottage to relax after a long day of mercilessly murdering the citizens of Los Santos I fall right through! That's where collisions come into play.

In this tutorial, we will create a YBN from this cottage model


1. Converting the model to a Bound Composite.

To do this, we will open the Sollumz Tools > Static Collision Tools > Create Bounds, select the model, and click the Create Bound Composite button.

converting model

2. Apply collision materials

Next, we will apply some collision materials to the Bound Polygon Mesh that was created. We can do this in Sollumz Tools > Static Collision Tools > Create Material. Select the object, select the collision material from the list you wish to apply, and finally click Create Collision Material.

adding collision materials

You can add as many materials as you would like to a Bound Polygon Mesh, but not the other bound types. After this, you can go into edit mode and assign these materials to individual faces.

3. Apply collision flags

You will also want to apply some collision flags. These flags vary depending on what type of collision you are creating. In most cases, you will want to apply the default flags preset.

3. Export

You're all set! This is all you have to do to make a working collision!

adding collision materials
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