Configuration Settings - Skatterbrainz/sktools GitHub Wiki

Configuration Settings

If you will be using SkatterTools with a Configuration Manager site environment, you will need to configure the settings in the skconfig.txt file, which is created in your Documents folder after using the Install-SkatterTools function.

If you modify the skconfig.txt file while SkatterTools is running, you will need to terminate the PowerShell console which is running the PoSHServer service, and restart it. If you also have the SkatterTools web console open, you can either refresh or close and re-open the browser.

The example below is the default file configuration after using Install-SkatterTools In most cases, you will want to change the SkCmDbHost, SkCmSMSProvider and SkCmSiteCode values.

_Comment = SkatterTools configuration file. Created by Set-SkDefaults _LastUpdated = 01/20/2019 19:34:25 _UpdatedBy = sccmadmin _LocalHost = W10-CM-002 SkAPPNAME = SkatterTools SkTheme = stdark.css SkADEnabled = TRUE SkADGroupManage = TRUE SkCMEnabled = TRUE SkCmDBHost = cm01.contoso.local SkCmSMSProvider = cm01.contoso.local SkCmSiteCode = P01 SkCmCollectionManage = TRUE SkDebug = FALSE