SkChat - SkCoding/SkChat GitHub Wiki
SkChat by SkCoding (VivaDaylight3, arkdengal and ihlightzz)
- Watch - Get notified when someone chats
- AFK Status - Set yourself as AFK so you can recieve messages when you gat back.
- Messaging - Message players directly.
- Area Chat Channel - Only see who has spoken in a 50 block radius .
It was time for Sammy to eat dinner, so he used the command /skAfk to make himself AFK.
His friend, Dan, wanted to ask him something, so he used the command /skTell Sammy How are you?.
But Sammy was AFK, so Dan got the message: "Sammy is currently AFK, they will recieve the message when they come back".
After Sammy had eaten his dinner, he said hi to everyone and Dan's message was delivered automatically: "AFK Message from Dan: How are you? "
Dan was told that Sammy had come back and they had great fun together!
- More Channels
- Ability to add chat channels with passwords.
- MOTD - Set a motd to be displayed when a player joins.
- Configuration Commands - Configure the script in-game.
If you have any ideas, just suggest it via a ticket and label it as an enhancement.
See included Permissions and Commands file.
If you experience any errors with our scripts, first of all check your console and make sure that you haven't edited anything (unless you know what you're doing). Otherwise check our ticket tracker for similiar problems, if you can't find any, open up a ticket and label it as a bug.
v0.3 for Skript 1.4.9
- Added SkChatWatch
v0.2 for Skript v1.4.9
- Added Area chat channel
v1 for Skript v1.4.3
- Released Script