MVP Feature List - Sisysphus/Meadium GitHub Wiki
MVP Feature List
1. Hosting on Heroku
- Hosted on a live link that never sleeps
2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login
- Users can sign up, sign in, log out
- Users can use a demo login to try the site
- Users can't use certain features without logging in (comments, cheers, ‘hungover”)
3. Articles
- Users can write articles to be published
- Users can delete their articles
- Users must be logged in
- Logged in users can comment on articles
- Users can comment on comments
- Comments shown in ascending order (newest -> oldest)
5. Cheers
- Logged in users can 'cheers' articles
- The cheers count is displayed for each article
- Can toggle ‘cheers’
6. “Hungover”
- Logged in users can “hungover” articles to save it to their home page
- Can “hungover” multiple articles and “un-hungover” them
7. Dashboard and Profile
- Users have a public profile of their own articles that they’ve “cheered”
- Show popular articles ( sort by ?? )
- Show recent comments on articles
8. Production README
- Brief explanation of what the app is and does
- How to start development environment
- Technologies used
- Link to live site
- Link to Wiki docs
- Discussion of two features that show off the team's technical abilities
- Discussion of both challenges faced and the way the team solved them
- Code snippets to highlight the best code
9. Bonus - Search Users
- Users can search for other users through text to see that user's profile
10. Bonus - Rating System
- Rating system based on strength of alcohols
- Seltzer -> everclear