Database Schema - Sisysphus/Meadium GitHub Wiki



column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
username string not null, indexed, unique
email string not null, indexed, unique
hashedPassword string not null
firstName string not null
lastName string not null
createdAt datetime not null
updatedAt datetime not null
  • unique index on username
  • unique index on email
  • Sequelize hasMany Stories association
  • Sequelize hasMany Cheeres association
  • Sequelize hasMany Comments association
  • Sequelize belongsToMany Stories through Cheers as CheeredStories association
  • Sequelize belongsToMany Stories through Comments as CommentedStories association


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
title string(100) not null
body text not null
authorId integer not null, indexed, foreign key
createdAt datetime not null
updatedAt datetime not null
  • authorId references Users table
  • index on authorId
  • Sequelize belongsTo Users association
  • Sequelize hasMany Cheers association
  • Sequelize hasMany Comments association
  • Sequelize hasMany Pins association
  • Sequelize belongsToMany Users through Cheers as CheeredUsers association
  • Sequelize belongsToMany Users through Comments as UserComments association
  • Sequelize belongsToMany Users through Pins as UserPins association


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
userId integer not null, indexed, foreign key
storyId integer not null, indexed, foreign key
rating integer not null
createdAt datetime not null
updatedAt datetime not null
  • userId references Users table
  • storyId references Stories table
  • unique index on [storyId, userId]
  • Sequelize belongsTo Users association
  • Sequelize belongsTo Stories association

unique index on [storyId, userId] will not allow a story to be liked by the same user more than once.

We don't need a separate index for storyId or userId because the index on [storyId, userId] adds it for us.


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
comment text(500) not null
commenterId integer not null, indexed, foreign key
commentedOnId integer not null, indexed, foreign key
createdAt datetime not null
updatedAt datetime not null
  • commenterId references Users table
  • commentedOnId references Stories table
  • index on commenterId and commentedOnId
  • Sequelize belongsTo Users association
  • Sequelize belongsTo Stories association

Hungover (Formerly Pinned)

column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
pinnerId integer not null, indexed, foreign key
pinnedStoryId integer not null, indexed, foreign key
createdAt datetime not null
updatedAt datetime not null
  • pinnerId references Users table
  • pinnedStoryId references Stories table
  • index on pinnerId and pinnedStoryId
  • Sequelize belongsTo Users association
  • Sequelize belongsTo Stories association