Iteration 3 Plan - Siripa-Maneein/ku-polls GitHub Wiki


The goal of this iteration is to add the login and logout system to our application. The user who logs in can vote, while the one who doesn't log in can not vote. Though each logged in user can have only 1 vote for each question, he can change his choice as many time as he likes and the result will be updated.


  1. Each user get 1 vote per poll question.
  2. A user can change and resubmit a choice for a poll question.
  3. A user can login and logout


  • Users can login and logout.
  • Logged-in users can vote, but allowed only 1 vote per poll. User can change his/her vote on a poll.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Voter must login before he can vote.
  2. Anyone can view results of each question without voting.
  3. Voter can change his voted choice and voting results will be correctly updated.
  4. The code passes all unit tests.
  5. All code is worked in iteration3 branch and merged into main.

Retrospective Summary

  • Iteration 3

What went right:
I regularly did the work and I can finish it on time. I can fix my later found problems from merged iteration3 branch and merge into main successfully.

What went wrong:
Before merging a pull request, I didn't check my code carefully, so problems occurred and I have to merge again.

What can be improved:
I should carefully check my work before merging.