Iteration 1 Plan - Siripa-Maneein/ku-polls GitHub Wiki


The goal of this iteration is to create a web app the administrator can add or modify poll questions and choices. A list of poll questions will be displayed to the visitors. It will allow visitors to select their own choices and be able to view the number of votes of each choices after that. Their votes adds up correctly.


  1. Create a page displaying a list of poll questions
  2. Visitors can select a poll and submit vote for a choice.
  3. The questions created and choices selected are saved to the database correctly.
  4. Visitors can see total votes for each choice in a poll after voting.
  5. A Poll has a start date & is visible only on and after this date.
  6. Administrator can add or modify poll questions and choices using admin interface (no custom interface yet).


  • Application displays a list of active polls and allows voting on each poll.
  • Application shows total "votes" for each choice in a poll. Results are persistent across restart.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. When running the application, it displays the page showing current poll questions.
  2. Visitors can select a question they want, and vote for it. Their vote correctly added up with the previous count.
  3. After submitting their votes, the number of votes for each choices appeared.
  4. The code passes all unit tests.
  5. All links navigate to correct places.
  6. Text is well formatted, and use some CSS-styling.
  7. The application has two interesting questions.
  8. All code is worked in the iteration1 branch and merged into main

Retrospective Summary

  • Iteration 1

What want right :
In this iteration, I think all requirements have reached the acceptance criteria.

What went wrong :
I almost forgot to push the work after finishing each part.

What can be improved :
Next time, I will not forget to push the work after finishing each part.