Service Tests - SingletonTheory/ GitHub Wiki
UserRepositoryTests found in the SingletonTheory.Services.AuthServices.Tests project.
To test services the services needs to be hosted in the tests. This can be done by way of the HostUtility class which can be found in the SingletonTheory.Web.TestUtilities project under the Hosts folder. You have to initialize this utility in the TestFixtureSetUp section of your test class as follows:
public void TestFixtureSetUp()
_host = new HostUtility(HTTPClientHelpers.GetAssembliesToLoad(), HTTPClientHelpers.AdminUserName, HTTPClientHelpers.Password);
This utility implements IDisposable, so you have to dispose of it in the TestFixtureTearDown section of your test class as follows:
public void TestFixtureTearDown()
_host = null;
Once you have this setup, the utility exposes the JSONServiceClient for you to make your service calls on as follows:
In all, your Service tests should look something like:
public void ShouldActionAndAssert()
// Arrange
var request = new Request();
// Act
var response = _host.JsonClient.Post(request);
// Assert
Assert.AreNotEqual(response.Prop1, 12);
All tests starts with Should and then continues to explain what the specific thing is that is tested. An example is as follows:
This test will then follow the Arrange, Act, Assert (AAA) standard which will make an entire example look like:
public void ShouldCreateInstanceOfTypeShipperWithIntKey()
// Arrange
using (SqlProvider provider = new SqlProvider(ConfigSettings.ConnectionString, false))
// Act
IShipper shipper = _repository.CreateInstance<IShipper>(provider, typeof(Shipper<>));
// Assert
- Every test should have only one Act.