Inventory - SimonFlash/TeslaPowered GitHub Wiki


The inventory package contains the core classes required for basic gui implementations. Every gui consists of three primary pieces: a representing view, the elements in that view, and the layout of the elements onto the view. These concepts are represented in the View, Element, and Layout classes.


An Element is an individual component of a gui for a single slot that contains an ItemStackSnapshot for the display item and a Consumer<Player> as the action. Let's demonstrate the creation of an Element.

ItemStack item = ItemStack.of(ItemTypes.BLAZE_POWDER, 1);
Consumer<Player> consumer = player -> player.sendMessage(Text.of("Elements are awesome!"));

Element element = Element.of(item, consumer);

An Element is immutable - the ItemStack is stored internally as an ItemStackSnapshot and thus any changes made to the ItemStack afterwards will not affect this Elements state.

Additionally, an empty Element (Element.of(ItemStack.empty())) can be obtained with the static method Element.empty(). This element may be used to 'reset' a slot and is non-operational.


Before we can discuss Views, we need to start with a way to define what slot an Element represents. To do this, we use the Layout class to server as a holder and provide a series of utility methods for creating layouts. Let's take a look at a simple layout with a couple of elements.

Element stone = Element.of(ItemStack.of(ItemTypes.STONE, 1));
Element dirt = Element.of(ItemStack.of(ItemTypes.DIRT, 2));
Element grass = Element.of(ItemStack.of(ItemTypes.GRASS, 3));

Layout layout = Layout.builder()
        .slot(stone, 0)
        .slot(dirt, 1)
        .slot(grass, 2)

Like an Element, a Layout instance is also immutable.

The Layout.Builder class also has a variety of utility methods for common actions. However, note that many of these require a dimension for the layout to be set in order to calculation slot positions. Here is a simple example of some of the available utility methods.

Layout layout = Layout.builder()
    .dimension(9, 3)
    .slots(dirt, 11, 15)



Lastly, the View class is the core of the gui and is responsible for managing the inventory, processing events, and handling other various actions. A view may have it's inventory defined or updated live and may be shared between players. Once a view is created, it can be defined or updated with a layout.

PluginContainer container;
View view = View.of(InventoryArchetypes.CHEST, container);


View#define and View#update return the same view and may be used fluently.

Now that the view has been defined, you can open the view for a player using View#open and close it with View#close. If you would like to prevent a player from closing the gui themselves, you can use view.setCloseable(false) - just remember to undo it or close the view manually so they don't get stuck!

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