Commands - SimonFlash/TeslaCrate GitHub Wiki
Usage: /teslacrate
Aliases: /teslacrate
, /tcrate
, /crate
Permission: teslacrate.command.base
The base command for TeslaCrate; required for all subsequent commands. Running this command will display the in-game documentation for all commands the sender has permission for.
Usage: /teslacrate menu
Aliases: menu
, men
Opens the base gui menu.
Usage: /teslacrate command
Aliases: command
, cmd
Permission: teslacrate.command.command.base
The base command for commands. I apologize in advance for the overuse of the word 'command'.
Usage: /teslacrate command give <player> <command> [value]
- player
: The name of a player
- command
: The name of a command
- value
: The value
Aliases: give
, gve
Permission: teslacrate.command.command.give.base
Gives the command to the player with the given value (if present) or the default value of the command.
Usage: /teslacrate command menu [command]
- command
: The name of a command
Aliases: menu
, men
Opens the command gui menu.
Usage: /teslacrate command edit
Aliases: edit
, edt
Permission: teslacrate.command.command.edit.base
The base command for editing commands.
Usage: /teslacrate command edit <command> </command>
- command
: The name of a command
- /command
: The new command
Aliases: command
, cmd
Permission: teslacrate.command.command.edit.command.base
Edits the command of the command.
Usage: /teslacrate command edit description <command> <description>
- command
: The name of a command
- description
: The new description
Aliases: description
, dsc
Permission: teslacrate.command.command.edit.description.base
Edits the description of the command.
Usage: /teslacrate command edit display-name <command> <display-name>
- command
: The name of a command
- display-name
: The new command
Aliases: display-name
, dpn
Permission: teslacrate.command.command.edit.display-name.base
Edits the display-name of the command.
Usage: /teslacrate command edit server <command> <server>
- command
: The name of a command
- server
: The new server value
Aliases: server
, srv
Permission: teslacrate.command.command.edit.server.base
Edits the server value of the command.
Usage: /teslacrate command edit value <command> <value>
- command
: The name of a command
- value
: The new value
Aliases: value
, val
Permission: teslacrate.command.command.edit.value.base
Edits the value of the command.
Usage: /teslacrate crate
Aliases: crate
, crt
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.base
The base command for crates.
Usage: /teslacrate crate give <player> <crate> [reward]
- player
: The name of a player
- crate
: The name of a crate
- reward
: The name of a reward
Aliases: give
, gve
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.give.base
Gives the crate to the player with the given reward (if present) or a random reward from the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate menu [crate]
- crate
: The name of a crate
Aliases: menu
, men
Opens the crate gui menu.
Usage: /teslacrate crate preview <crate>
- crate
: The name of a crate
Aliases: preview
, prv
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.preview.base
Previews the available rewards in this crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit
Aliases: edit
, edt
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.base
The base command for editing crates.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit announcement <crate> <announcement>
- crate
: The name of a crate
- announcement
: The new announcement
Aliases: announcement
, ann
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.announcement.base
Edits the announcement of the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit cooldown <crate> <cooldown>
- crate
: The name of a crate
- cooldown
: The new cooldown
Aliases: cooldown
, cld
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.cooldown.base
Edits the cooldown of the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit description <crate> <description>
- crate
: The name of a crate
- description
: The new description
Aliases: description
, dsc
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.description.base
Edits the description of the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit display-name <crate> <display-name>
- crate
: The name of a crate
- display-name
: The new display name
Aliases: display-name
, dpn
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.display-name.base
Edits the display-name of the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit firework <crate> <firework>
- crate
: The name of a crate
- firework
: The new firework value
Aliases: firework
, fwk
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.firework.base
Edits the firework value of the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit gui <crate> <gui>
- crate
: The name of a crate
- gui
: The new gui
Aliases: gui
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.gui.base
Edits the gui of the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit message <crate> <message>
- crate
: The name of a crate
- message
: The new message
Aliases: message
, msg
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.message.base
Edits the message of the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit particle <crate> <particle>
- crate
: The name of a crate
- particle
: The new particle
Aliases: particle
, prt
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.particle.base
Edits the particle of the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit keys
Aliases: keys
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.keys.base
The base command for editing the keys of a crate
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit keys add <crate> <key> [quantity]
- crate
: The name of a crate
- key
: The name of a key
- quantity
: The quantity
Aliases: add
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.keys.add.base
Adds the key to the crate with the given quantity (if present) or the default quantity of the key.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit keys remove <crate> <key>
- crate
: The name of a crate
- key
: The name of a key
Aliases: remove
, rmv
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.keys.remove.base
Removes the key from the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit rewards
Aliases: rewards
, rwds
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.rewards.base
The base command for editing the rewards of a crate.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit rewards add <crate> <reward> [weight]
- crate
: The name of a crate
- reward
: The name of a reward
- weight
: The weight
Aliases: add
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.rewards.add.base
Adds the reward to the crate with the given weight (if present) or the default weight of the reward.
Usage: /teslacrate crate edit rewards remove <crate> <reward>
- crate
: The name of a crate
- reward
: The name of a reward
Aliases: remove
, rmv
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.edit.rewards.remove.base
Removes the reward from the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate item
Aliases: item
, itm
Permission: teslacrate.command.item.base
The base command for items.
Usage: /teslacrate item give <player> <item> [quantity]
- player
: The name of a player
- item
: The name of an item
- quantity
: The quantity
Aliases: give
, gve
Permission: teslacrate.command.item.give.base
Gives the item to the player with the given quantity (if present) or the default quantity of the item.
Usage: /teslacrate item menu [item]
- item
: The name of an item
Aliases: menu
, men
Opens the item gui menu.
Usage: /teslacrate item edit
Aliases: edit
, edt
Permission: teslacrate.command.item.edit.base
The base command for editing items.
Usage: /teslacrate item edit description <item> <description>
- item
: The name of an item
- description
: The new description
Aliases: description
, dsc
Permission: teslacrate.command.item.edit.description.base
Edits the description of the item.
Usage: /teslacrate item edit display-name <item> <display-name>
- item
: The name of an item
- display-name
: The new display name
Aliases: display-name
, dpn
Permission: teslacrate.command.item.edit.display-name.base
Edits the display-name of the item.
Usage: /teslacrate key
Aliases: key
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.base
The base command for keys.
Usage: /teslacrate key check <user> <key>
- user
: The name of a user
- key
: The name of a key
Aliases: check
, chk
Checks the number of keys a user has. If the key is physical, only keys present in the inventory can be counted.
Usage: /teslacrate key give <user> <key> <quantity>
- user
: The name of a user
- key
: The name of a key
- quantity
: The quantity
Aliases: give
, gve
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.give.base
Gives the user the key quantity-times. If the key is physical, precautions should be taken to ensure the user have available inventory slots to hold the items.
Usage: /teslacrate key list <user>
- user
: The name of a user
Aliases: list
, lst
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.list.base
Opens a gui displaying all known keys the user has.
Usage: /teslacrate key menu [key]
- key
: The name of a key
Aliases: menu
, men
Opens the key gui menu.
Usage: /teslacrate key take <user> <quantity>
- user
: The name of a user
- quantity
: The quantity
Aliases: take
, tke
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.take.base
Takes the key from the user quantity-times.
Usage: /teslacrate key edit
Aliases: edit
, edt
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.edit.base
The base command for editing keys.
Usage: /teslacrate key edit description <key> <description>
- key
: The name of a key
- description
: The new description
Aliases: description
, dsc
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.edit.description.base
Edits the description of the key.
Usage: /teslacrate key edit display-name <key> <display-name>
- key
: The name of a key
- display-name
: The new display name
Aliases: display-name
, dpn
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.edit.display-name.base
Edits the display-name of the key.
Usage: /teslacrate key edit quantity <key> <quantity>
- key
: The name of a key
- quantity
: The new quantity
Aliases: quantity
, qnt
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.edit.quantity.base
Edits the quantity of the key.
Usage: /teslacrate location
Aliases: location
, loc
Permission: teslacrate.command.location.base
The base command for locations.
Usage: /teslacrate location delete <location>
- location
: The location
Aliases: delete
, del
Permission: teslacrate.command.location.delete.base
Deletes a location from the registry, if present.
Usage: /teslacrate location menu
Aliases: menu
, men
Opens the location gui menu.
Usage: /teslacrate location set <location> <crate>
- location
: The location
- crate
: The name of a crate
Aliases: set
Permission: teslacrate.command.location.set.base
Sets a location as the crate.
Usage: /teslacrate reward
Aliases: reward
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.base
The base command for rewards.
Usage: /teslacrate reward give <player> <reward>
- user
: The name of a user
- reward
: The name of a reward
Aliases: give
, gve
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.give.base
Gives the player the reward.
Usage: /teslacrate reward menu [reward]
- reward
: The name of a reward
Aliases: menu
, men
Opens the reward gui menu.
Usage: /teslacrate reward edit
Aliases: edit
, edt
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.edit.base
The base command for editing rewards.
Usage: /teslacrate reward edit announce <reward> <announce>
- reward
: The name of a reward
- announce
: The new announce value
Aliases: announce
, ann
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.edit.announce.base
Edits the announce value of the reward.
Usage: /teslacrate reward edit description <reward> <description>
- reward
: The name of a reward
- description
: The new description
Aliases: description
, dsc
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.edit.description.base
Edits the description of the reward.
Usage: /teslacrate reward edit display-name <reward> <display-name>
- reward
: The name of a reward
- display-name
: The new display name
Aliases: display-name
, dpn
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.edit.display-name.base
Edits the display-name of the reward.
Usage: /teslacrate reward edit weight <reward> <weight>
- reward
: The name of a reward
- weight
: The new weight
Aliases: weight
, wht
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.edit.weight.base
Edits the weight of the reward.
Usage: /teslacrate reward edit commands
Aliases: commands
, cmds
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.edit.commands.base
The base command for editing a rewards commands.
Usage: /teslacrate reward edit commands add <reward> <command> [value]
- reward
: The name of a reward
- command
: The name of a command
- value
: The value
Aliases: add
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.edit.commands.add.base
Adds the command to the reward with the given value (if present) or the default value of the command.
Usage: /teslacrate reward edit commands remove <reward> <command>
- reward
: The name of a reward
- command
: The name of a command
Aliases: remove
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.edit.commands.remove.base
Removes the command from the reward.
Usage: /teslacrate reward edit items
Aliases: items
, cmds
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.edit.items.base
Usage: /teslacrate reward edit items add <reward> <item> [quantity]
- reward
: The name of a reward
- item
: The name of an item
- quantity
: The quantity
Aliases: add
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.edit.items.add.base
Adds the item to the reward with the given quantity (if present) or the default quantity of the item.
Usage: /teslacrate reward edit items remove <reward> <item>
- reward
: The name of a reward
- item
: The name of an item
Aliases: remove
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.edit.items.remove.base
Removes the item from the reward.