Quest Editor Breakdown - Silvris/wiki-page-making GitHub Wiki

This is a full breakdown of every value within Aradi147's Custom Quest Editor that is currently known. Iceborne introduced a whole set of new values that have currently unknown functions, these are not included within this page.


  • Quest ID - the id of the quest, this will line it up with gmd text files for name and description
  • Stars - the star ranking of the quest, this will appear in that ranking in the quest list
  • Rank - the overall rank of the quest, Low-High-Master
  • Map - the map that the quest will place you, all valid quest maps as well as a couple non-valid are options
  • Fixed Spawn - forces the player to use the first spawn instead of picking
  • Player Spawn - set of options for influencing player spawn, including disabling drunk bird
  • Time Cycle - either forces a specific time or matches what is currently in game
  • Weather Condition - allows for specific weather, mostly unexplored
  • Multiplayer Modifier - the index of the specific multiplayer scaling for the quest to use from the em_difficulty.dtt_dif file, a full table can be found in the MHW Modding Discord datamines channel
  • Quest Timer - the amount of minutes the quest should last
  • Reward Money - the amount of zenny rewarded to a player after completing a quest (without carts)
  • Faint Penalty - the amount of zenny subtracted from the reward money on a cart (for number of carts, divide reward by penalty)
  • HR Requirement - the minimum HR/MR required to take the quest, goes until around MR100 (but only labeled to MR 24)
  • Background Music - enables certain background music on certain maps (the Arenas)
  • Quest Type - the quest type of the quest (Hunt/Slay/Capture/Gather)
  • Hunter Rank Points - the number of HRP rewarded on quest completion
  • Reward Rem ID - the ID of the .rem used to decide quest rewards
  • Supply Rem ID - the ID of the .rem used to deliver supply items to players
  • Map Toggle - this is still unknown, but was given this name a long time ago
  • Arch-Tempered Quest - marks the quest as an Arch-Tempered quest, only causes three effects (the orange border around the icons, the stronger metallic effect on tempered monsters, and specific AI changes for specific monsters)
  • Number of Players - sets the max number of players for the quest
  • Pre-selected Gear - states that the game should look for a file to define the gear to use in the quest
  • Sub1 Reward Rem - the ID of the .rem used to decide rewards for completing sub-objective 1, generally unused
  • Sub2 Reward Rem - the ID of the .rem used to decide rewards for completing sub-objective 2, generally unused
  • Quest Clear Music - changes the quest clear jingle of the quest
  • Icons - the icons that appear above the description when viewing at the quest board


  • Multi Objectives Quest - whether the quest should have one main objective or two (note: 3+ monster quests only use 1)
  • Objective Type: - the type of quest (Hunt, Slay, Capture, Gathering, Multi-Monster/Slay All)
  • Multi-Monster - whether the objective is a multi-monster objective
  • Objective ID: - the specific target of the quest, list will change whether the target is a monster or an item
  • Amount - the amount of monsters to be hunted/items to be delivered

NOTE: The sub-objectives are mostly unexplored and generally unused


Large Monster Slots

Most percent-based parameter bases can be found on the monster's page on MHW Chronicles

  • Monster - the monster that should be spawned
  • Sobj ID - the .sobj the game should use to spawn the monster, dependent on the monster and stage
  • Health - the monster's health, represented as a percent of a base value
  • Attack - applies a percent-based modifier to the monster's attack
  • Defense - while it is called defense, it is more of a player damage modifier. Higher values, more damage done to the monster.
  • HP/Attack Roll - determines the range of variation of a monster's HP/Attack (aka value of 2 on base 150 means 148/149/150/151/152)
  • Size - percent-based size modifier applied to the base size from the size table, the "dtt_rsz" file
  • Size Table - entry of the size table to use
  • Part HP - percent-based modifier for monster part HP
  • Base Status - percent-based modifier for the initial resistance to status effects
  • Status Buildup - percent-based modifier for the added resistance to status effects after being inflicted with one
  • Base Stun - percent-based modifier for the initial stun threshold
  • Base Exhaust - percent-based modifier for the initial exhaust threshold
  • Base Mount - percent-based modifier for the initial mount threshold
  • (Arch-)Tempered - whether the monster should be considered tempered/arch-tempered (this does not affect stats at all)

Small Monsters

  • Sobj ID - which .sobjl the game should load for the map, which loads in all small monsters
  • Health - percent-based modifier for the small monster's base health
  • Attack - percent-based modifier for the small monster's base attack
  • KO/Status/Defense - percent-based modifier for other aspects of the small monsters


  • Global Monster Delay - the amount of time (in minutes) between monster spawns
  • Sequential Spawn Rules - rules on how monsters spawn sequentially, main options are Force Spawn, Retarded/Delayed Spawn, and Spawn if map is empty
  • Table Spawn Chances - rules on how monsters should spawn randomly
  • Monster 6/7 Decider - percentage for whether monster 6 or monster 7 should spawn randomly
  • Monster x Spawn Chance - the chance for that monster to spawn


NOTE: Most of the Icons section is unexplored

  • Area x Icon Value y - Sets the icons that should show on Area x of the map
  • Small Monster Icon x - Sets the Small Monster icons underneath the map on the quest menu


  • Set ID - the .aeq file to be used if Pre-Selected Gear is chosen on an Arena Quest
  • Rank A Timer - the amount of time in seconds needed to get a Rank A on the Arena quest
  • Rank B Timer - the amount of time in seconds needed to get a Rank B on the Arena quest
  • Rank C Timer - the amount of time in seconds needed to get a Rank C on the Arena quest
  • Fence Switch - enable/disable the fence in the arena
  • Fence Cooldown - how long one must wait after the fence goes down to bring it back up
  • Fence Uptime - how long the fence stays up