Editing BNK files - Silvris/RingingBloom GitHub Wiki

BNK Modes

The mode given from the main window is important for BNK as it tells the program what version of WWise to expect within the bnks, as well as adding in the file extensions used by each game. Make sure you have the proper one before opening.

Bank Header

The Bank Header section of the BNK includes information about the soundbank as a whole, and should not be edited unless you know what you're doing (and the tool does not support editing it yet). When the Bank Header section is selected in the view, it will display this information to the screen.

Data Index

The Data Index contains information about wems that are embedded within the BNK. You can add more wems by right-clicking the Data Index section in the view and selecting the Import Wems option, and export the current set of wems by selecting the Export Wems option. You can delete any individual wem by selecting it, right-clicking and selecting the Delete option, as well as replace the wem by selecting the Replace option.

You can edit the id of a wem within a bnk by selecting the wem in the side-view, and then changing the id within the text box. Each wem also has a label attached to them, which can be changed and then saved to a separate file.

Other Sections

Other sections (such as HIRC or PLAT) may be loaded, but are not currently interpreted by RingingBloom. This will change as more work is done on the format.