Sample State - SilentNN/Affinity GitHub Wiki

    entities: {
       users: {
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         2: {
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          avatarUrl: "url"
         3: {
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         66: {
           id: 66,
           name: "Proto",
           icon: "url",
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           memberIds: [1, 2, 3],
           ownerId: 1
         77: {
           id: 77,
           name: "We can do it.",
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           channelIds: [222, 333, 4444, 5555],
           memberIds: [2, 1, 45, 23, 76, 100],
           ownerId: 2,
         88: {
           id: 88,
           name: "Golden Gate Team",
           icon: "url",
           channelIds: [321, 654, 987],
           memberIds: [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20],
           ownerId: 15,
       channels: {
         123: {
           id: 123,
           name: "Satellite Mind",
           serverId: 66,
           messageIds: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
         456: {
           id: 456,
           name: "Harmonics",
           serverId: 66,
           messageIds: [8, 10, 12, 14, 16]
         7890: {
           id: 7890,
           name: "PaⅢ.REVOLUTION",
           serverId: 66,
           messageIds: [99, 1111, 1133, 1155, 1177]
       messages: {
         8: {
           id: 8,
           body: "Wait, don't put on your coat",
           authorId: 1,
           channelId: 456
         10: {
           id: 10,
           body: "I want you to stay",
           authorId: 1,
           channelId: 456,
         12: {
           id: 12,
           body: "To say you've got nowhere to go\n'Cause Baby just for one more night, one more time time\nYou'd be fine right by my side \nForget all that's on your mind, all the fights\nGive us one last try",
           authorId: 1,
           channelId: 456,
    ui: {
      loading: true/false,
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    errors: {
      login: ["Invalid username/password combination"]
    session: { currentUserId: 1 }