MVP List - SilentNN/Affinity GitHub Wiki

MVP List

Affinity, a Discord clone, is a social media application that allows users to create and join public servers. These servers house channels show message history and allow live chat between server members. Users can also send direct messages to friends or members of mutual servers.

1. Hosting on Heroku (--/--/----)

2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login (12/07/2020, 2 days)

  • Users can sign up, sign in, log out
  • Users can use a demo login to try the site
  • Users can't access any features without logging in

3. Servers (12/09/2020, 2 days)

  • Users can create, join, and leave servers
  • Server owners can pass ownership to other users
  • Users can view all servers that they are a member of
  • Users can have an alias on each server they are a member of

4. Channels within servers (12/11/2020, 2 days)

  • Server owner can create new channels, and rename or delete existing ones
  • Each channel has its own message history
  • Server owner can organize channels into categories

5. Live Chat (12/13/2020, 2 days)

  • Server members can send and see messages to channels in a server
  • Messages are saved to the database
  • Channel messages are updated whenever any server member sends a message

6. Direct Messaging via private servers (12/15/2020, 2 days)

  • Users can send messages to other users if they share a server or are friends
  • Direct messages function like server channel live chat

7. Production README (12/16/2020, 0.5 days)