Fluffy Blocks - SilentChaos512/SilentGems GitHub Wiki

Fluffy Blocks are blocks that can reduce fall damage when landed on. They also look rather nice, and come in all 16 colors, just like wool!

Fall Damage Reduction/Negation

When landed on, a Fluffy Block will reduce the players fall distance by a certain height. This will reduce or cancel out fall damage. To fall from greater heights, try stacking Fluffy Blocks on top of each other. For example three layers of fluffy blocks will allow you to fall three times further than normal without taking damage!


Fluffy Blocks are crafting with 4 Fluffy Fabric in a 2x2. Fluffy Fabric is 4 Fluffy Puffs in a 2x2, so that's 16 Fluffy Puffs total!