Chaos Ore - SilentChaos512/SilentGems GitHub Wiki

Chaos Ore is the only way to get chaos crystals (or chaos essence in Minecraft 1.12.2 and below). Chaos crystals serve the same purpose chaos essence did in the past, it's just a style and name change.


  • Minecraft 1.13.2 and higher: chaos crystals. Typically drops one, fortune applies. The ore may be silk-touched.
  • Minecraft 1.12.2 and lower: the ore drops itself and must be smelted to obtain chaos essence. Silk touch and fortune have no effect. Some machines may be able to process chaos ore, but support is mixed.


  • You will need a pickaxe with mining level 3 (diamond-tier) to harvest. If using Silent Gear (or earlier versions of Silent's Gems), a diamond-tipped pickaxe will work.
  • In Minecraft 1.13.2 and higher, chaos ore will "light up" in the same fashion as redstone ore. Chaos ore will generate a small amount of chaos when lit.

Ore Generation

Default spawning mechanics

  • Found at Y-level 5 ~ 20.
  • Moderately rare, but spawns large veins.
  • In Minecraft 1.13.2 and higher, frequency is randomly varied a bit per biome.

Customization options in the config file

  • Min/max Y-level
  • Cluster (vein) count/size