Chaos Orbs - SilentChaos512/SilentGems GitHub Wiki
Chaos orbs can be used to absorb chaos. When in a player's inventory, they will absorb any chaos the player produces. When placed on a pedestal, they will absorb chaos produced by nearby blocks. There are four types: fragile, refined, perfect, and the chaos potato.
All chaos orbs have a "leakage" rate. They will fail to absorb a fraction of all chaos they receive, releasing it into the world instead. Higher quality orbs have less leakage. Most orbs will also crack as they take damage. The cracks are purely cosmetic.
Minecraft 1.12.2
In 1.12.2 and earlier, chaos orbs store chaos for players to use. They have a small chance of cracking and eventually shattering if used when low on charge. The lower the amount of chaos stored, the higher the break chance. Chaos orbs can be charged in a chaos altar or by standing near nodes or pylons.