Traits - SilentChaos512/Silent-Gear GitHub Wiki

Updated for version 2.1.x on 2020-09-10

Traits are unique abilities or properties of materials. Some will increase or decrease stats (often based on remaining durability), some give the user potion effects, and some change damage dealt to certain types of mobs. They can be attached to any material or part type, even upgrade parts.

Some traits are not included on any materials by default, and most materials do not reach the max level of any trait. It's up to pack makers to make use of these, should they choose to.

These lists are more-or-less a copy-paste from the en_us.lang file of multiple mods, so excuse the rough descriptions. I'll try to refine the lists as each mod develops more.

Conditional Traits

Some materials will have "conditions" attached to some of their traits. When viewing the material tooltip, an asterisk (*) will be shown after the trait name and level if it has conditions.

Unfortunately there is no way currently to see the conditions in-game. But most often, trait conditions will check that a certain number of or percentage of the materials have the trait. Some traits will only appear on certain types of gear. When trying to obtain a conditional trait, be careful when mixing materials. Check the trait you want will be on the item before you finish crafting it!

Built-In Traits


The list of built-in Silent Gear traits can now be found here. This new page is generated in-game, so the results are accurate at the time of creation.

Silent's Gems Traits


  • silentgems:chaotic
  • Generates chaos when used
  • Max Level: 5


  • silentgems:critical
  • Adds a chance of regular attacks being critical hits
  • Max Level: 5


  • silentgems:entropy
  • Increases block breaking speed base on chaos levels
  • Max Level: 5

Flame Aura

  • silentgems:flame_aura
  • Armor gives fire resistance (full set)
  • Max Level: 1

Ice Aura

  • silentgems:ice_aura
  • Armor gives insulated effect (full set)
  • Max Level: 1


  • silentgems:icy
  • Gives swords the Ice Aspect enchantment
  • Max Level: 2


  • silentgems:imperial
  • Sometimes increases gems dropped from blocks (ores). Works on any item tagged as forge:gems, which includes diamonds and more.
  • 10% chance per level
  • Max Level: 5


  • silentgems:ironclad
  • Armor gives damage resistance effect (full set)
  • Max Level: 1

Lightning Aura

  • silentgems:lightning_aura
  • Armor gives grounded effect (full set)
  • Max Level: 1


  • silentgems:luna
  • Attacks sometimes deal more damage during the night
  • Max Level: 5


  • silentgems:runic
  • Deals additional magic damage, base on magic damage stat
  • Max Level: 1


  • silentgems:sol
  • Attacks sometimes deal more damage during the day
  • Max Level: 5


  • silentgems:sparking
  • Gives swords the Lightning Aspect enchantment
  • Max Level: 2

Silent's Gems Gear Soul Traits


  • silentgems:soul/aerial
  • Reduces mining speed penalty when airborne
  • Max Level: 5


  • silentgems:soul/aquatic
  • Reduces mining speed penalty when underwater
  • Max Level: 5


  • silentgems:soul/chill
  • Max Level: 3

Coffee Pot

  • silentgems:soul/coffee_pot
  • Max Level: 1


  • silentgems:soul/persistence
  • The item will slowly repair itself
  • Max Level: 5

Skull Collector

  • silentgems:soul/skull_collector
  • Adds a chance for some mobs to drop a head/skull when killed
  • Max Level: 5


  • silentgems:soul/warm
  • Max Level: 3


  • silentgems:soul/armor
  • Increases armor by 5% per level
  • Max Level: 10


  • silentgems:soul/durability
  • Increases max durability by 5% per level
  • Max Level: 10


  • silentgems:soul/harvest_speed
  • Increases mining speed by 5% per level
  • Max Level: 10


  • silentgems:soul/magic_damage
  • Increases magic damage by 5% per level
  • Max Level: 10


  • silentgems:soul/melee_damage
  • Increases attack damage by 5% per level
  • Max Level: 10

JSON Files

All traits require a JSON file, but not all properties of traits can be controlled via JSON. Traits that require additional code will require a mod. See the list of built-in traits below for examples.

These are the available trait types at time of writing:

  • silentgear:simple_trait - Does nothing by itself, typically used by mods for adding new behaviors. Could also be used as a "marker" trait, which could be checked in loot tables. Example

  • silentgear:durability_trait - Gives a random chance of taking extra durability damage (brittle) or not taking damage (flexible, malleable) Example

  • silentgear:enchantment_trait - Adds enchantments to a gear item when crafted. Note that this will prevent the item from being enchanted through an enchanting table! Other means of enchanting (books, etc.) will still work of course. Example

  • silentgear:nbt_trait - Adds arbitrary NBT to a gear item when crafted. This could be used to enable features from other mods. Example

  • silentgear:potion_effect_trait - Gives potion effects when gear is equipped. Effects can vary by gear type and can require full suits of armor (each piece has the trait). Example

  • silentgear:stat_modifier_trait - Adjusts the stats of the item based on durability. Example

Built-In Trait JSON files can be found in these locations: