Parts - SilentChaos512/Silent-Gear GitHub Wiki

Parts are used to craft and upgrade gear items. Some parts are required for certain gear items, and some are optional.

The information here is accurate for Silent Gear 2.8.3 (Minecraft 1.18.x) and some earlier versions. Check JEI for recipes when in doubt.

Required Parts

These parts are always required to craft a gear item (assuming the recipes are not changed with data packs).

  • Main
    • Main parts include tool heads, blades, and armor plates
    • Required by every gear type.
  • Rod
    • Tool rods crafted by blueprint, or a substitute item like a stick or blaze rod
    • Required by every gear type except armor and elytra
  • Cord (formerly called Bowstring)
    • Crafted with a blueprint, like all parts. There are no substitute items by default.
    • Required by ranged weapons and fishing rods

Special Cases

These parts are required for specific items, but are optional for others.

  • Binding
    • Required only by elytra

Optional Parts (Upgrade Parts)

These are parts that can be added to an existing gear item (one you have already crafted.) Simply craft the part, then craft it with the gear item by placing them together in a crafting grid. Note that coatings can also be applied in a vanilla smithing table without crafting the coating part first.

The purpose of optional parts is to enhance gear items with stat bonuses and new traits.

  • Binding
    • Can be added to most tools and weapons. Required by elytra.
    • Usually, the stat bonuses are fairly minor
  • Coating
    • Can be added to most items, excluding elytra.
    • Coatings usually apply very large stat bonuses and useful traits.
    • You can craft a coating item with a blueprint, or just apply the coating material directly with a vanilla smithing table (the recipes are visible in JEI).
    • Completely covers the main part (tool head), replacing its texture.
    • Coatings were introduced because of netherite. A netherite-coated diamond gear pickaxe will have the same stats as a vanilla netherite pickaxe.
  • Grip
    • Can be added to most tools and weapons.
    • These generally provide very small bonuses, but may be useful in the early game.
  • Lining
    • Can be added to armor.
  • Tip Upgrade
    • Can be added to tools and weapons.
    • Applies useful traits and usually some good stat bonuses too.
    • Often increases harvest level. Iron- and Diamond-Tipped pickaxes can be used to skip iron and diamond pickaxes in the early game, saving on resources.
    • Trivia: One of the oldest upgrade parts. Tip upgrades date all the way back to earlier versions of Silent's Gems