Commands - SilentChaos512/Silent-Gear GitHub Wiki

Silent Gear provides a number of commands, mostly for debugging and testing. There are commands for building and generating gear items, as well as commands for verifying data. Most commands are only available to those with OP permissions. Some commands, like /sgear_parts show_gui and /sgear_traits describe are available for all players to use.

Lock Stats


  • /sgear_lock_stats

  • Locks the stats of the gear item in your main hand. Locked items will never recalculate their stats or traits. This could be useful for providing custom reward items with modified stats and/or traits.

  • If the item is already locked, this will unlock it (assuming the item does not contain invalid parts)


Commands pertaining to the new material system (WIP) from newer builds.

sgear_mats dump

  • /sgear_mats dump [includeChildren]

  • Dumps information on all loaded materials to a TSV file, which can be opened in any spreadsheet program. Includes all stats, traits, and rendering data. The output path is printed into your chat when the command is run. Clicking on it will open the file for you.

  • If includeChildren is false (defaults to true), all child materials will be excluded from the spreadsheet. This includes wood and wool variants by default, but not the base wood and wool materials. Child materials usually have the same stats and traits as their parent.


sgear_parts add

  • /sgear_parts add <partID> [grade]

  • Adds a part to the gear item held in your main hand. partID is the ID of the part. grade (Minecraft 1.14.4 only) allows you to set the grade on main parts.

sgear_parts remove

  • /sgear_parts remove <partID or partIndex>

  • Removes a part from the gear item held in your main hand. partID is the ID of the part to remove. Or you can use the zero-based index of the part, though this may be less intuitive.

sgear_parts list

  • /sgear_parts list

  • Lists the ID's of all registered parts, as well as the counts of each type. Useful for checking if your data packs have loaded correctly.

sgear_parts dump

  • /sgear_parts dump

  • Dumps information on all loaded parts to a TSV file, which can be opened in any spreadsheet program. Includes all stats, traits, and rendering data. The output path is printed into your chat when the command is run. Clicking on it will open the file for you.

sgear_parts show_gui

  • /sgear_parts show_gui

  • Shows the parts GUI, which can also be accessed in the crafting station. This command can be used by anyone, not just ops.

Random Gear


  • /sgear_random_gear <players> <item> [tier]

  • Gives a randomized gear item to the selected player(s), complete with all parts required for the item to function and possibly some upgrades. Should work with items from add-on mods as well. If tier is omitted, tier 3 items are generated.



  • /sgear_recalculate <players>

  • Forces gear recalculations for targeted players, causing items to recalculate their stats and traits. Possibly useful when designing a data pack.


sgear_traits describe

  • /sgear_traits describe <traitID>

  • Provides the short description of the trait (if available)

sgear_trais dump_md

  • /sgear_traits dump_md
  • Creates a markdown text file containing information on all loaded traits
  • The Trait List page is generated with this command

sgear_traits list

  • /sgear_traits list

  • Lists all currently registered traits

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