Features - SilenceIsFatto/A3-Antistasi-Ultimate GitHub Wiki
Antistasi Ultimate Features
Over 10 new modsets.
Over 17 new maps.
Re-integrated Spearhead 1944 compatibility.
Re-integrated Community undercover.
Integrated Community build system.
Roadblock tier system, making roadblocks a challenge at higher war levels.
Reworked Trader, to dynamically adjust the traders inventory depending which mods are loaded, allowing full compatibility when mixing mods/factions around.
Improved garrison, no longer will you see militia in outposts at war level 9.
Ability for templates to utilise custom skeletons.
Ability to blacklist certain items from popping up in crates, or becoming infinite in the arsenal. Or both!
Ability to tweak when enemy tiers start spawning, via CBA setting.
Ability to add plane loadouts via extender mod, planes will use a default loadout if one isn't found. Before if planes didn't have loadouts they wouldn't spawn.
Improved Melee System integration.
Ability to disable cosmetic items from appearing in the arsenal (Applies on a new save), via parameter or CBA setting.
Extended moddability, some scripts that previously would have required you to access the script have been moved to configs/templates.
Special templates, such as STALKER which has support for emissions and anomalies, or the Zombie civ faction. Take over a city, and civilians will start moving in again!
Various bug fixes and behind the scenes tweaks to enhance your experience.
Antistasi Plus Features
Arms Dealer vendor with the ability to directly buy and sell weapons, items and gear
Vehicle Black Market - possibility to spend money on vehicles, aircrafts et cetera
Commander Menu (TAB key shortcut) with various new abilities which commander can use to support his troops
Rebel Loadouts - ability to customize AI rebels weapons and equipment for each infantry class
Special crate and commander ability provides capabilities to automatically loot bodies, surrender crates and weapons on ground to reduce tediousness of looting
New marker types - military administrations and military bases
8 random event types (Civilian Helicopter Flyby, Drone Strike, Roving Mortar and others)
10 new mission types (Find the Arms Dealer, Salvage Helicrash, Prevent Artillery Strike, Ambush Officer, Seize Airdrop, Rescue Rebel Informer and more)
Ability to build persistent roadblocks, watchposts, AA, AT emplacements
Rally Point - temporary spawn point that can be placed by commander
Persistent save for constructions
Additional commander abilities - Smoke Barrage, Flare Barrage, Light Vehicle Airdrop, Recon Plane Run, Supply Crate Airdrop, Chemical Airstrike
Special commander ability - Paradrop (commander can move player paratroopers to airplane for HALO jump on desired location)
Rival guerilla factions
Infantry unit tiers based on current war level, the bigger war level - the better enemy's infantry units equipment
Discord Rich Presence support
Chemical airstrike - new airstirke variant which can be used by rebel commander and invader faction
Howitzer and Mechanized Airborne QRF support types
Various useful additional settings and small abilities - vehicle unflip, server time multiplier et cetera
Various QoL fixes, tweaks, enhancements, UI improvements here and there
Antistasi Community Features
Capture an island in a war against either one or two enemies at the same time, which might even fight each other.
Dynamic aggression system which is changing enemy reactions based on your actions. The system is influenced by basically everything you do like kills, completing missions, taking flags and even shooting civilians and POWs. So take care regarding what you do and who you kill!
Persistant war in all aspects, destruction stays the same way as well as your vehicles and garrisons.
Advanced AI system, the enemy and your friends will heal wounded or downed units, cover themselves and use multiple other tactics to win against their foes.
Possibility of Undercovered approaches - utilize that to position yourself for the perfect attack.
Persistent Stat Save System: You won't lose game or server progress upon a game update.
AI Garrisons that use static weapon you add.
Supports up to 3 Headless Clients.
Difficulty and enemy behaviour is balanced based on player count
Antistasi now has a Setup GUI for choosing factions, parameters, selecting a game to load or creating a new one.
You can have multiple campaigns running in parallel
Fuel economy system