Developer Documentation - SilenceIsFatto/A3-Antistasi-Ultimate GitHub Wiki
Utility Functions
Spawn enemy support at players position
private _type = "CAS"; // CASDIVE, QRF, Etc
private _side = Occupants; // Occupants/Invaders
["CAS", Occupants, "attack", 500, player, getPosATL player, 0.8, 0] call A3A_fnc_createSupport;
Spawn spec ops HQ attack mission (Server Exec)
private _side = Occupants; // Occupants, Invaders
private _marker = ["CSAT_carrier", "NATO_carrier"] select {_side isEqualTo Occupants};
[_side, _marker, 0] spawn A3A_fnc_attackHQ;
Spawn Trader Mission
Spawns a trader mission on a new save
[] remoteExec ["SCRT_fnc_trader_prepareTraderQuest", 2];
Export Crate To Arms Dealer
Grabs all the weapons out of a crate, grabs mags for them, then puts it into a formatted config array for the arms dealer (returns into your clipboard)
[_target, "modPrefix", "categoryPrefix"] call A3U_fnc_exportCrate;
You can also have multiple crates and do this to export them one at a time
//crate 1
this addAction ["copy", {[(_this select 0), "RHS", "Rifles"] call A3U_fnc_exportCrate}];
//crate 2
this addAction ["copy", {[(_this select 0), "RHS", "Sniper Rifles"] call A3U_fnc_exportCrate}];
Export Pylon Loadout For Config
Grabs the current pylon loadout of an air vehicle and exports it for config (returns into your clipboard)
[_target] call A3U_fnc_exportPylons;
Draw cargo seats of vehicles, with index
(doesn't always work with modded vehicles, due to weird setups)
[cursorObject] call A3U_fnc_logisticsGrabSeats;
["Message", _fncPath] call A3U_fnc_log;
cfgPatches check
["cfgPatchesClass"] call A3U_fnc_hasAddon;
Alternate Syntax
["cfgPatchesClass1", "cfgPatchesClass2"](/SilenceIsFatto/A3-Antistasi-Ultimate/wiki/"cfgPatchesClass1",-"cfgPatchesClass2") call A3U_fnc_hasAddon;
Weight Test
Logs occurence of each value over 10000 iterations
[_values, _weights] call A3U_fnc_weightTest;
Change faction money/hr
Changes faction money and hr (takes effect immediately, UI will not update until next tick)
[0,0] remoteExec ["A3A_fnc_resourcesFIA",2]; //1 param - hq, 2 param - money
Debug Rivals
Sets up the rivals, and reveals their location on the commander menu
[] spawn {
[] remoteExecCall ["SCRT_fnc_rivals_activate", 2];
uiSleep 2;
[10000] call SCRT_fnc_rivals_addProgressToRivalsLocationReveal;
Python Stuff
Town Generator
Town Generator is a bundle of 2 python scripts, and does the heavy lifting and doesn't necessarily need to be used directly ( imports the function). can be ran and will prompt you to put in an array provided by A3U_fnc_exportTowns.
After selecting an export type, it will then provide you with a list of towns/population that you can paste into a mapInfo.hpp file.
VSCode Stuff
VSCode arma-dev.json
"title": "Antistasi Ultimate",
"name": "A3U",
"author": "Antistasi Ultimate Dev Team",
"website": "",
"version": "0.0.1",
"buildPath": "build",
"privateKey": "",
"serverDirs": [],
"serverUse32bit": false,
"clientDirs": [
"clientMods": [],
"ftpConnection": {},
"steamPath": "pathToSteamLibrary"