ToDos - Silarn/TinkerTrap GitHub Wiki

Written more or less in order of importance, maybe.


  • A new editor button specifically to define exits. These will hold level names, allowing transition back and forth between areas rather than discreet levels.
  • An overlay that indicates what tiles contain tutorial messages. Could be simple but I can probably still make a small icon that would indicate which bots had messages there.
    • Others?


  • Upgrading the bot is done by collecting parts. Taking parts back to the Tinker at the beginning will trigger the upgrade options.
    • Implementing 'parts'
    • A home tile for turn-in
    • Levels construct a unified world rather than being stages
    • Once loaded, store a save state of objects in a level. This could be serialized, as the data structure would remain the same.
  • Have each bot start at different maps to allow for tutorial introductions to abilities
  • Display tutorials prominently; they can be disabled so make people read them
  • Allow tutorials to draw an indicator to the source tile for the message
  • Draw a circle on the screen indicating the area where a click/touch will use an ability.
  • Improve menus.
    • We need a simple tutorial screen on the main menu illustrating how you move and perform actions. (I will provide art.)
  • Intro/bot select/victory animations.
  • Stretch: Possibly a way to set obstacle/tile settings, some kind of 'args' property. Would be a lot of work.
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