Editor Controls - Silarn/TinkerTrap GitHub Wiki
Editor Controls
Setting Play Grid
You put in numbers! It sets an X-Y grid of individual tiles to represent the level.
Paint Mode
Paint Mode allows for a tile type or an obstacle type to be selected from the menu on the right. This effectivly becomes your brush.
After selecting what you wish to paint, by holding down the left mouse button, you can apply this criteria across the grid. The brush will not be applied if it creates an invalid combination (ex: It won't place an obstacle in a wall).
Using the right mouse button will still apply the same selection. However, it will clear any other variables held by the tile first. This allows faster editing (ex: If placing an obstacle in a wall, it will now be a floor).
Marquee Mode
Alternate means for applying a uniform tile type or obstacle to an adjustable grid. The grid is selected first by dragging with the mouse across the grid. Then the desired brush is clicked to be applied.
Left-Click and Right-Click have similiar effects here, but are now used on the menu instead of the tiles.
Links: Connections and Locks
Activate being able to set either of these by clicking on the buttons below the label from the right menu.
Add Link
Using the left mouse button, drag from one tile to another. Click the "New" button to select the first empty link value. By holding down Left Control while making a link, it will automatically be applied to a new (previously) empty link value
Remove Link
Use the right mouse button in the same manner as the link was created.
Viewing Links
Mode selected from dropbox directly above the "Connections" label
View Active
This option will display the connections related to the actively selected link value(connection or lock)
View All
This option will display all links present on grid. The active links (what "View Active" would display) will be slightly larger than the rest.
View Selected
This option will display all the links that hold a relationship to the reference tile.
At any time, by hovering over a tile and pressing Left Alt, that tile will become the reference. The related links for the reference will be printed near the links portion of the menu on the right.
Tutorial/Hint/Help Messages
This interface assigns a string message to be shown based on location of the player's active bot. Messages are arranged by bot type and bot level.
Left Alt selects the tile that will be referenced when editing these messages.
Add Message
Select the bot you wish to attach the message to first from the dropbox list Enter the minimum level the bot must be to see the message in the text box to the right Press the button labeled "+" to create a new text field that will hold the string
Remove Message
Press the button labeled "-" that is to the left of the message text field.