ban |
Bans a player from the server. |
clear |
Clear the console window. |
dawn |
Change time to dawn. |
deop |
Removes server operator status from a player |
dusk |
Change time to dusk. |
exit |
Stops the server |
exit-nosave |
Shutdown the server without saving. |
fps |
Toggle FPS monitoring. |
give |
Give a player items |
hardmode |
Enables hard mode. |
help |
Displays the commands available to the user. |
info |
Get information. |
invasion |
Begins an invasion |
itemrej |
Manage item rejections |
kick |
Kicks a player from the server |
list |
Lists online players |
login |
Allows a user to sign in after a reload |
maxplayers |
Print the max number of players. |
me |
3rd person talk |
midnight |
Change time to midnight. |
motd |
Print or change the message of the day. |
noon |
Change time to noon. |
npcspawning |
Turn NPC spawning on or off. |
online |
Lists online players |
op |
Allows a player server operator status |
oplogin |
Allows an operator to log in |
oplogout |
Logs out a signed in operator. |
pass |
Change your password |
password |
Shows or changes to password. |
platform |
Show what type of server is running TDSM |
players |
Lists online players |
playing |
Lists online players |
plugin |
Manage and view plugins |
plugins |
Lists plugins running |
port |
Print the listening port. |
rcon |
Manage remote console access. |
refresh |
Redownload the area around you from the server |
save |
Save the game world. |
save-all |
Save world and configuration data |
say |
Say a message from the server |
serverlist |
(not available in release version, yet) Manages the heartbeat and server list |
settle |
Settle all water. |
spawnboss |
Spawn a boss |
spawnnpc |
Spawns NPCs |
status |
Server status |
stop |
Stops the server |
time |
Change the time of day |
timelock |
Forces the time to stay at a certain point. |
tp |
Teleport a player to another player |
tphere |
Teleport a player to yourself |
version |
Print version number. |
webauth |
No description specified |
who |
Lists online players |